Title: The Distance Between Us
Summary: While in Thorold, Maerad and Cadvan stay at the home of Elenxi's brother, Ankil. Little do they know that the old man's story is one of pain and sacrifice, of love and peace.
Character: Ankil or Kiranta
"The sound of her weeping followed me through the village, tearing my heart into tiny pieces. I looked back,
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Comments 4
If you're unfamiliar with HTML and the features this site offers, I can tell you what I know. E.g. there's an LJ cut feature, which is the fourth button from the right at the top of the posting box. This allows you to hide the bulk of the text of your post if it's a long one.
To get straight edges (justify text), use this tag in HTML, which is the option behind Rich Text, which is the posting default on this site:
Some of the site styles offer a sidebar option which allows you to post HTML code into a custom box. That's how I got the Archives titlebar and the Golden Quill Awards icon above the tags box.
I haven't worked out how else to pimp my profile yet, but I'm working on it!
Put that in without the spaces before your text, and you'll get the straight edges.
I'm still a bit of a noob in many ways.
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