Title: Snow Flower
aoi_jihyoGenre: Drabble
Pairing: Yoosu
Summary: That winter I fell in love with a snow flower.
It was a flower like I’ve never seen before. It was a simple flower with barely any petals left. Or what’s that it’s natural appearance? I did not know. It stood alone in the frozen floor. Snow covering part of its leaves. It’s beauty ruined by the strong wind. Or was that what made it beautiful? As I looked through the window I could see people stopping by for a moment, looking with great interest. And just as they came they left; leaving the flower alone once more. I wanted to go outside, wanted with all my might to be able to look and touch this flower. But every time I tried to stand the nurse will come saying “I’m sorry sir, you can’t leave your bed at the moment.” Not at the moment? I was told this every day, and every day I would try to leave again.
That afternoon as I pulled the curtains away I saw something peculiar. There was not one flower but two. This flower was on the other hand sitting on a bench in front of its once lonely friend. He didn't do anything but stared. He stared at the flower what seemed for hours. And I stared at him for the same amount of time. It was dark already and with a heavy sigh he left. The reason why someone would sit in the cold for hours until his cheeks and nose turned red, I couldn't understand. The more I couldn't understand the more curious I became. Every day from then on, he sat on the same bench at the same time staring at the same thing. Ah, the beauty of it. The smileless face became then my new interest or should I call it obsession. Trying to figure it out was something that became my hobby. Was it a lover? Did he have a broken heart? For some reason the thought frustrated me, who would dare to break the heart of such beautiful flower? But at this point my feelings seemed to be no more than shallowness.
That night he didn’t leave as usual. He was sitting on the bench expressionless as always. But I couldn't decide whether he looked beautiful or not, the silhouette of an old man came storming out of the building. Both our attention was fixed on him. But contrary to the boy I noticed how the old man stepped over the flower destroying its sad beauty. It was not the only thing he stepped over. With incredible force a slap was placed on the boy’s beautiful rosy cheek. The tearful face of the old man did not bring a single drop on the now red face of the boy. As the man left, the boy sat back almost stumbling as he did so. Like I would expect he darted his eyes to the thing that have kept him company all this time. But it wasn’t there anymore. And with loud sobs his face became soaked with tears.
Who he was and how he was related to the old man, I didn’t know. That winter I learned a lot and nothing of someone else besides myself. That winter was also the winter I fell in love with a snow flower.
The End.
So, this was a small drabble that I wanted to write since a long time, I hope you guys enjoyed it