T_________________T MOVED, TOUCHED, HAPPY!! Aoiiii <3<3<3 Mouuuu! It makes me cry for joy. Lol I don't make sense as always XD ARIGATou Nee-chan! you too, are one of my closest friend! And want to know why I love our OTP sooooo much? Coz I met you thank to them ^^ One day I'll wirte them a letter thanking them for giving me the chance to meet such a wonderful person as you <3<3
Comments 1
Aoiiii <3<3<3 Mouuuu! It makes me cry for joy. Lol
I don't make sense as always XD
ARIGATou Nee-chan! you too, are one of my closest friend!
And want to know why I love our OTP sooooo much?
Coz I met you thank to them ^^
One day I'll wirte them a letter thanking them for giving me the chance to meet such a wonderful person as you <3<3
I rabu u nee-chan! ;)
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