An eventful day

Jun 09, 2010 21:39

I intended to get up early today and do things. In the end I got up not-as-late-as-usual and did things, which is almost as good.

I'm currently cat and house sitting for my housemates. The cat has decided that she doesn't aprove of my shenanigans (like getting myself breakfast before I deign to feed her) and decided that a swift bite to the ankle would solve that. It did. She no longer had to sit around in the kitchen waiting for me to feed her. She got to do it from the garden instead.

After a shower and some computer time (I'm depressingly addicted) I got over my inertia and actually went into town to the open casting sessions for extras in Camelot. When I got there the queue stretched around three corners and down an alleyway. It looked like it would take hours but I'd promised myself that I wouldn't give up and go home so I stuck it out. The woman next to me had an attitude remarkably similar to mine, and we had a fun chat about queues, extra work, and other random stuff while we waited. The queue moved considerably faster than I'd expected and I got in after a mere 40 minutes. Once I'd filled in my form and gone to the photo queue (much shorter, only four people) a woman took my form and glanced over it to check all the important stuff was filled in. She said "Oh, fencing. Excellent!" as she handed it back to me, which I'm taking as a good sign :)

After doing what I'd come in to town to do I was feeling pretty virtuous, so I decided to ruin that by treating myself to a movie. I went to see Prince of Persia. It was very clearly based on a video game; especially some of the chase scenes, and the running along walls. I found it very predictable and full of blatant tugging on emotions. The main character was a fairly standard good-hearted rogue with nice eyes. All-in-all it was everything that I want from a trip to the movies.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, but don't go if you're scared of snakes.

After the movie I just missed my bus. While waiting for the next one a man came around the corner weaving alarmingly from side to side. A cop car came around after him and parked on the road just after the corner. The man came up to me and said what I thought was "I'm going to buy myself a Jamie in the pub." I thought this was a remarkably honest form of begging, but after a few repeats I figured out that he was actually saying "I'm gonna buy myself a German Shepard pup". The cop car stayed there for some time but when nothing in particular happened they moved off. This didn't exactly make me feel comfortable since they must have had some reason to follow him in the first place and now I was stuck talking to him, but although he smelt horrifically of alcohol he didn't seem dangerous. Indeed, he made a noticeable effort to focus once he realised that he was slurring his words too badly for me to understand him. After an in-depth discussion about the various merits of thoroughbred dogs over mongrels and the necessity of training them from infancy he confided in me that he knew I was a garda. He seemed mildly puzzled when I answered that I was an unemployed person waiting for a bus. After that he shook my hand and left. My bus arrived before he had reached the end of the street and I got on. When the bus rounded the corner there was a garda car parked on the footpath and no sign of him. I have no idea what the whole story there was, and I don't think I will ever know.

And finally, yes, I have stolen this phrasing of cut-tags from dorianegray. I like it and it reminds me of A. A. Milne books.

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