Windows [oneshot]

Jul 14, 2009 03:08

Title: Windows
Rating: NC-17 (for adult situations!)
Pairings: Reita x Ruki, mentioned Kai x Miyavi
Genre: Humour, Crack
Summary: Aoi wants to buy a new apartment... But the windows reveal more than expected!

Aoi, Uruha, Reita and Ruki were all seated comfortably in Ruki and Uruha's apartment, watching TV, when Kai opened the door and burst in excitedly with news.

"The apartment! The...apartment! Across! He's selling!" Kai wheezed, gasping for air. He had rushed across the building as soon as he heard.
Aoi immediately stood up. He had been interested in a new apartment for weeks, and this bit of news intrigued him.

"Hey! This is so great! Aoi, haven't you been looking for a new place?" Ruki asked. Aoi nodded.

Uruha smiled. "Aoi! It would be so great if you lived in that apartment! Then we could all live in one building!"

"And we wouldn't have to see Naked Ugly Guy every time we come over." Reita pointed out.

Naked Ugly Guy was what the group called the man who lived in that current apartment. Uruha and Ruki's main apartment window faced his. Unfortunately for Ruki and Uruha (and whoever decided to sit in their living room that day) Naked Ugly Guy liked to walk around, well, stark naked. Especially in front of the huge windows that the small apartments were known for having. Normally, this would have been okay with everybody. But...Naked Ugly Guy was well...not the most attractive person.

In fact, he was downright ugly. Hence his name. (Unless of course, jungle-like armpits with potbellies were your thing.)

Kai shuddered. "I came over as soon as the guy said he was selling. You'd better check it out in a hurry though, competition's pretty stiff." Kai and Reita, who lived in the apartment down the hall, were all too familiar with the landlord's acceptance of briberies. "Sugizo-san likes chocolates, gift cards and anything from Ralph Lauren." Kai recited the list, trying to think of anything he missed.

"I'll keep that in mind. Now, if you guys don't mind, I'm going to check it out! See if I actually like the place first, you know?" Aoi, being logical, always read the fine print. Being a law student he was, he had to. Uruha and Kai immediately followed him. Being the gossips they were, they had to.

As they walked down the hall and turned a corner, Aoi expressed his concerns about having to disinfect the walls once Naked Ugly Guy moved out. They opened the door and saw the landlord talking with a woman holding a baby.

"Naked? NAKED?" The woman's eyes stretched wide open and she held onto her baby tighter. "It's alright then, I'll keep looking." She then walked out. Sugizo-san shrugged and watched her walk off before starting on Aoi.

"Hi! Would you happen to be interested in this apartment? Your rent is due next week, by the way," Sugizo-san added to Uruha.

"You're in luck, the wandering-around-naked thing probably turned so many people off this place! You might even get it cheaper if you play your cards right!" Kai whispered excitedly to Aoi, who grinned.

"Yeah, I'm interested!"

"Okay then! Let me show you around! And you two," he turned to Kai and Uruha as he led Aoi to the kitchen area, "don't do anything stupid."

Uruha rolled his eyes and Kai let out a sigh through his nose. As soon as Sugizo-san was out of sight, they ran towards the big window. "Maybe Reita and Ruki will see us!" Uruha exclaimed.

"HEY! We could have like a can-telephone thingie! You know those? Then we can talk to Aoi, and he can talk to us! The string can just go through our windows! We'll be so connected!"

Uruha snorted. "Okay, Kai. HEY RUKI! REITA! CAN YOU HEAR US?" He yelled.

Kai jumped up and down. They could clearly see Ruki and Reita, only they didn't seem to notice the waving, flapping creatures in Naked Ugly Guy's apartment.

"They can't hear us!" Kai wailed.

"What could they be doing that's more important than this?" Uruha wondered out loud. "HEYYYY---oh my god." Uruha's arms stopped waving around and dropped loosely to his sides.

"What is Reita doing? WHAT IS REITA DOING?" Kai clapped his hands over his mouth in horror as the two watched Reita snake his hands up Ruki's shirt, all the while kissing him deeply and passionately.

"AH!" Uruha covered his eyes as Ruki started to unbuckle his jeans.

"AH!" Kai watched through his fingers as Reita lovingly laid Ruki down on the couch.

"What's going on here?" Sugizo-san came back. Aoi trailed behind him, looking very much like he was about to accept Sugizo's offer.

"AH!" Uruha and Kai jumped and ran out of Naked Ugly Guy's apartment, covering their eyes.

"Well, that was certainly strange!" Aoi said, watching them stumble out and yell in unison.

"Stranger things have happened," Sugizo remarked. "Okay, so if you just sign here and here and make a deposit of $650 by next week, the place is yours!"

"Great!" Aoi smiled, and the two men looked over and discussed the papers, with their backs away from the windows, not knowing that two naked men in the apartment across were making love furiously on a couch.

A Month Later...

Aoi leaned back on his black sofa with a glass of wine and sighed with satisfaction. The place was really starting to feel like home! He looked over a magazine and listened to some classical music. He had some time alone. Ruki and Reita were out, Uruha was at work and Kai was staying over at his boyfriend Miyavi's.

It was unusual for him to be so relaxed. Usually, he would have a term paper or an essay due the next day or so, but everything was done. Aoi finally had some time for himself. He decided to indulge in some stargazing, which he loved doing before he became so busy. He set up his telescope and pulled back the thick, red curtains he had installed, after much insisting from Uruha.

What Aoi saw next would scar him for the rest of his life.

On the floor of Ruki and Uruha's apartment lay Reita, being straddled by Ruki. Ruki looked like he was in heaven, with his eyes closed, impaling himself onto Reita's erection. Reita had his eyes glued onto Ruki's face, as if he couldn't get enough of the image. They were both completely naked, illuminated by the moonlight.

"Ah! AHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Aoi dropped the wineglass he was holding and ran to the washroom to somehow clear the picture of his two friends doing each other out of his mind.


A/N: Inspired (OKAY, FINE! taken from) a Friends' episode: "The One Where Everybody Finds Out"
POOR AOI! Imagine seeing that in the middle of the night! Some of you wouldn't mind...PERVS!
I hope you liked this =D
As usual, comments are love!
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