Hallo. You know what's awesome? My cat. And my band has a website now. Go look at us. parade. And leave a message in the guestbook so I know you were there. Then I will love you. Officially
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Thank you for the book recommendations. Got more recommendations? Keep 'em coming. I bought house of leaves yesterday. Read the introduction yesterday, too. Looks neat
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Hey trusted friends. I want to read a bunch of books that I'm going to love. And fast. Books that might inspire me to start writing again. Please comment and leave me your recommendations immediately. I need your help! ~e
Hmmm . . . wow I haven't written in a super long time. I'm sorry. Does anybody remember me? Heh. I'm in Atlanta right now dealing with alergies and such. Allergies. That's not WHY I'm in Atlanta. But . . . I think I am going to the zoo today. What fun. Maybe I'll start writing again. Would that make me happy? I don't know. ~e
So there are people watching me write this right now. The pressure is on to make this entry hot. Uh . . . so last night was new years eve. That means yesterday was 2003 and today is 2004. And I was fucked up last night. And it was fun. Bye. ~e
Okay . . . So save has posted pictures from Ellis and my visit to Mississippi. So I don't have to. HA! they are here and I hope he doesn't mind me linking to them. I'm lazy and don't want to post them myself. Anyway, there they are
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Scott and Ellis and eye (i) are fixing stir fry and basmati rice. AND we're watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Last night was the Carmike Christmas party. Tonight is the Blue Sky Christmas party. I gotta go cook some more. Love, Miss E