Meme and... Happy Birthday!

Jan 19, 2010 17:57

I was tagged by yumikouri and takuholic  .

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

Here it goes:

1. I'm jealous. And by that I mean extremely jealous! And possessive. What is mine remains mine. I do not negotiate.

2. I am in love with dogs <3.

3. I am the kind that forgives but doesn't forget. I'll always remember the bad things someone did to me. And the good things as well but that wasn't the point xD.

4. When I truly care for someone I really give them my best. But if they loose that it's possible they won't ever get it back.

5. I am a weak person. And I hate it that I have to depend on others. But I must always have someone there to assure me they still care about me.  I need to feel the love.

6. I've never been to the sea. Well i had the occasion but I didn't want to. I just don't find the sea appealing. Or maybe is it because I'm afraid of deep water?

7. I can't go to sleep without first listening to some music. At least a song, but I HAVE to. Like... I can't fall asleep if I don't ><''.

Oh And since I can't  say 'whoever wants it' I won't tag anyone ^^. Not in the mood for that so sorry.

                                                     I also have to say this since in Japan probably is already 20th...




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