
Jun 19, 2009 09:58

This is a really depressing post so if you don't wanna hear about it just drop it...

... )


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Comments 18

gazerotica June 19 2009, 10:33:01 UTC
I understand depression - suffered with it for nearly 20 years now.
There's not a lot I can say to make you feel better but I would suggest you go and talk to someone - a dr or counsellor - living with these thoughts only makes it harder in the long run.
If you want to PM me I'd be happy to try and help, even if it's just as a faceless sound board

and never apologise for what you're feeling x


aoispet June 19 2009, 14:40:04 UTC
I know I should see someone.. but I already did and it didn't help me at all... right now I'm trying to get over this myself and I hope I will...

thank you for offering your help; it's really kind of you and I appreciate it...

if you don't mind... could I add you on msn?

thanks again...


(The comment has been removed)

aoispet June 19 2009, 14:42:59 UTC
I heard about 'If you love yourself others will love you as well' and I've been trying to do it... but I kinda failed ...

maybe the fact that I'm so thristy for love is the one that made me feel so much worser lately... I know that if I'd have someone with me it would be a lot more easy but I guess I have to wait for it to happen...

thanks so much hun <3 for your words <3


kill_me_cruel June 19 2009, 11:12:32 UTC
...everybody fells like that once in a while *huggles*
i used to feel like this too...
and i don't have an extraordinaru family, my parents are divorced and mom and her boyfriend always have fights and such...
i used to feel just like thta, the need of attention. of love...i thought i will never have it...then i had only my friends...and they are everything for me...because they truly care for me the way i care for them..and i don't know....sometimes you really feel like you want more...but for now....really you should focus on your friends and family...and without noticing....someone special will appear ...
trust me, it's always like that ^^
and try to be happy *huggles*


aoispet June 19 2009, 14:45:28 UTC
I'm sorry to hear about your parents... I hope everything is gonna be fine...

I try to think like that too.. that love will come one day but I guess I'm just impatient.. and I feel too much the need...

I promise that from today i'll try to be happy ne .. *huggles back* thanks~


kill_me_cruel June 19 2009, 18:47:33 UTC
my parents divorced one year ago so it's kind of okay...
but it's weird because only now i feel like i really realised that it will never be as it used to...and it's lonely.
i was really reall reaaaaaally lonely...and i felt the need to be loved by somebody of the opposite sex[to call it like that :))] like shit...
just try to focus on something else now for a period...i did that too...and love just hit me right in the face after a period...
and now it's somehow worse's a distance relantionship, if you know what i mean...

remember you promised :P
anytime ^^


aoispet June 23 2009, 13:04:04 UTC
sorry for the late reply ^^... but this days I haven't enter LJ at all... and I've been thinking about this whole thing and I really want to try to see the good in everything... so I do my best for this...

thanks again for your words... it means a lot ^^


shizu_shin June 19 2009, 11:17:06 UTC
Hey! Cheer up!
I'm here and not leaving *hugs u*
Everything will be fine
and I do care about you <3


aoispet June 19 2009, 14:46:10 UTC
I know ^^ and thanks for everything hun~ you know what I'm talking about..

*hugs u back*


jeevas_christ June 19 2009, 11:48:59 UTC
hey, long time, no talk.

imi pare rau sa aud ca te simti asa.
insa trebuie sa te gandesti si sa fii constienta de faptul ca absolut toata lumea s-a simtit, sau se va simti, ca tine la un moment dat.

deci pentru inceput, nu esti singura.
si nu vei fii niciodata.

cat despre iubire... inteleg ceea ce spui. insa stii, cred ca iubirea vine atunci cand te astepti mai putin. niciodata cand ai nevoie. asa e viata, ii place sa isi bata putin joc de noi.
dar va veni intr-o zi, de asta sunt sigura.

nu stiu ce ti s-a intamplat, dar cum a zis si gazerotica, poate ar fi mai bine sa vorbesti cu cineva. daca iti este teama sa vorbesti cu un prieten, incearca un specialist. sau un strain, eu in fata unui strain ma pot deschide mai repede decat in fata unui prieten, as weird as that sounds.

nu te mai gandi ca nu meriti iubire, pentru ca o meriti din plin. stiu ca nu este ceea ce vrei de fapt dar...

*hugs* totul va fi bine, intr-un final. si daca nu e bine, atunci nu e finalul.

ai grija de tine ♥♥♥


aoispet June 19 2009, 14:49:36 UTC
sunt constienta dar am anumite momente cand ma simt... mai mult decat singura ca sa spun asa...

toata lumea imi spune ca iubirea va veni... sincer astept sunt curioasa cum va fi... adica sa iubesc.. da mi s`a intamplat dar sa fiu iubita .. mai rar.. adica mai deloc.. si asta imi doresc cel mai mult...

stiu ce vrei sa spui in legatura cu strainii... adica atunci cand nu cunosti pe acel cineva macar nu te va judeca... pentru ca nu te cunoaste... si cred ca intr`un fel asa e...

*hugs back* mersi mult... ma ajuta mult sa aud cuvinte de genul asta.. so thanks <3


jeevas_christ June 19 2009, 15:15:39 UTC
stiu la ce te referi, este inevitabil.
insa nu stiu, incearca sa iti reamintesti ca nu este asa. repeta in gand "nu sunt singura". nu stiu.

haha, ti-am zis, cred ca dragostea va veni atunci cand te astepti cel mai putin. nici nu o sa stii ce te-a lovit.

da, exact. si chiar daca te judeca, putin iti pasa, pentru ca oricum nu te cunoaste si oricum nu il cunosti.

stiu ca nu sunt chiar o "straina", dar nu am de cand sa te judec. asa ca daca vreodata o sa vrei sa ii spui cuiva ce ai pe suflet, eu sunt aici.

>:D< hugglesssssss~


jeevas_christ June 19 2009, 15:37:17 UTC
* nu am de GAND.


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