Annual "goals" post

Jan 01, 2010 21:18

2010 Goals:

Quarterly - “gal day” with LM, complete a legal paperwork goal (below), Pagan Meetups (2 to 6),
volunteer (feed homeless/food banking, beach clean-up, etc.)

Monthly - charity donations, get together w/data, get together w/SK, Angel Food order,
drumming (1 or 2), Spiritual Cinema Circle DVDs

Weekly - Interlude (post to Oasis), Kabbalah Tune-up, South Beach exercises (1 or 2),
Couples questions (1-4 pages)

Daily - Daily Om, TUT, meditation/quiet time, extra calcium (Tums)


Healthy, honest relationships; straight messages

Ask for help when you want it rather than only when you need it

Spend part of some (and occasionally all) of the weekend away from the boys

Email av, data+MJ+JA, and Family regularly

Ongoing + Self Care

Balance! (time / priorities).  Stay involved politically (Obama, animals, ACLU, etc.)

Less worry/panic; more action/self-confidence; better self-care (physically and emotionally)

Go with the flow; Listen to intuition; Get exercise regularly (bike, walk, stairs).

Essential oil baths. Keep “set weight” at 125 or less. Get enough sleep.

Stuff to do:

January - trip to Arizona w/data, Santa Monica kirtan, get new digital video/still camera

April - Death Valley vacation

Vacation someplace new (see above)

Teach/take Reiki classes; healing circles

Take online/DVD classes (Teaching Company, Kabbalah, Academic Earth, etc.)

Download/listen to Pagan radio blogs + Wil Wheaton podcasts

Kabbalah on CD class w/SH

Listen to free stuff on Nicki’s website

Amma retreat + LA satsang

Get Miata painted, weatherstripping, new stereo and/or speakers, alignment

Order a spare pair of new eyeglasses

Find/visit PCP

Find/visit dentist

Paint living room/bedrooms, new flooring, gameroom curtains, new carport poles (LB)

More Coolaroo shades (LB + D)

Get and read Stephen King’s “Under the Dome”

Painting + wood repair projects ; Front porch; Garage cleanup (D)

Plumbing - research/plan/prep (D)

Get a raise and reallocate savings/debits as needed

Legal Goals: Write a will/living trust/advanced directive
Misc things as they come up (refer to the "asking for help" item for this!)
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