Hello everyone, I'm finally have he time to post something to my LJ
actually, I'm free from 2nd of March, but one of my dog had an accident, I don't really know what happened, but one of my dogs caretaker, my husky, Arsene had a loose on her collar and then she ccidentally hit my pomeranian, and then there's a wound on Pom-pom's paw (I know me and
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Comments 6
how's simak ui?
hahaha yaiyalah bisa cha, malah gara2 ke vet gw jd tau penyakit anjing tu macem2 bs kena kanker jg loh! (ato tumor gw lupa) ampe ad yg hrus dsuntik mati sgala.....jd sedih gw
simak.........ah gilaaaa gw tegang bgt ni nungguin hasilnya, deg2an gw pas ngerjain takut lju nya kotor, jawabnya salah, smoga gw bs nyusul lu cha~
lo mabil jurusan apa?
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