Stay away from my KAT-TUN!!

Sep 06, 2010 21:34

KAT-TUN fans scare you?? Good, then stay away from my KAT-TUN and mind your own idol. Going around telling KAT-TUN to lessen their rock taste and add some pop-ish sound to gain more fans, eww (>.<). And not to mention getting butthurt everytime their idol groups get beaten by KAT-TUN, in terms of sales figures.
Who cares bout numbers!?!? We don't ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

tacchan_hime September 6 2010, 15:42:57 UTC
Banyak orang2 yang iri ma KAT-TUN n bilang KAT-TUN fans ntu rude.
Please deh, ada juga yang ngmng'y yg rude.

Emg ni ada apa?
Knp rin-neechan marah? O_O


aozora7 September 6 2010, 15:48:26 UTC
coba deh baca postingan ini, plus bbrp komentar yg setuju ma si OP ->

bnyk bener sih yg merasa terintimidasi ma KAT-TUN, biasa aja kaleee (>.<)

p.s.maap, msh esmosi ^^;


tacchan_hime September 6 2010, 16:18:34 UTC
brengsek bgt tu orang!
Dy ga tau apa KAT-TUN itu nunggu 5 TAHUN buat debut?
Dia ga tau mereka itu berusaha mati2an supaya debut?
Knp sih tu org2 pd sirik m KAT-TUN?
Terserah mrka dong mw genre nya apa juga.
Yg mau kan bukan mrka, tp boss mrka.
Pdhl emg pernah KT fans jelek2in idol mrka?
Ga pernah kan.
Mereka selalu yg mulai duluan!
Pengen nangs rasanya T_T


aozora7 September 6 2010, 16:24:15 UTC
iya kaaaan, awalnya berusaha gak emosi tp akhirnya jebol juga diriku td.
mana ada bbrp orang lg yg sependapat ma dia.
kalo mereka lbh suka musik pop ya udah fangirling group laen aza, and leave KAT-TUN alone for us, it's easier that way right.

pake bilang, "KAT-TUN mustinya ganti gaya aja klo pengen lbh populer", siapa jugaaaaa yg pengen lbh populer?? anak2 KAT-TUN perasaan gak pernah bilang gitu, yg mereka peduliin adalah fans yg skrg udah ngasi dukungan ke mereka, klo ternyata ada fans baru ya itu bonus, iya kan.

aq juga heran deh, mereka slalu ngeluhin qt yg defensif ttg KAT-TUN tp qt kan setidaknya gak pernah nyenggol grup laen, sepanas-panasnya qt belain KAT-TUN gak pernah kan sampe musti menghina-dina group lain. pdhl klo mau sih bisa aja.

Gosh, kesimpulannya adalah "haters to the leeeeeeft!!"


kohmichan September 6 2010, 16:08:28 UTC
LOL I just read her post. XD

I don't know what world she's living in, but older people like rock music too. She obviously doesn't know a thing about KAT-TUN. I think she doesn't even have the right to ask KAT-TUN to change their music, since she's not a fan. She's so out of place...

But don't let people like her piss you off. ;)


aozora7 September 6 2010, 16:18:54 UTC
ridiculous isn't it, especially the fact that her non-fan opinion was backed by some commentators who also said that KAT-TUN should change their style, what in the world?!?! A rainbow looks beautiful because it has 7 colors, not one (>.>)
and you're right, there are a lot of rock bands with older members too out there in the world *headdesks*
Out of place, yes, that's the right word for it.

thanks kohmi, sometimes i forgot to just ignore the them, and do the "haters-to-the-left" sign XD


chuckles0505 September 6 2010, 16:48:46 UTC
Thank goodness for KAT-TUN's rock style. It's really what drew me to their music. If they sang sugary pop songs like other JE idol groups I would not have become a fan.


aozora7 September 6 2010, 16:55:43 UTC
i'm sure KAT-TUN fans are just like us, fall for them because of their rock style.
that's why i was so pissed off when some people playing a-know-it-all role and say so confidently that it's better for KAT-TUN to leave, or at least lessen, the rock sound/style, to "adapt" with the kind of music that's accepted by wider age. but they don't even know a thing bout our boys. duh!


chuckles0505 September 6 2010, 17:11:29 UTC
Agreed, I don't think any self-respecting musician or artist should ever change their music style simply to appeal to the masses. As long as they are making music they like and are proud of they'll be perfectly fine.


aozora7 September 6 2010, 17:16:56 UTC
exactly, and some people just don't/can't understand that (-_-)"


kachiessy_18 September 7 2010, 00:50:48 UTC
ikr? and she had the audacity to post it in a kat-tun comm.

if she's so convince her idol is better than kat-tun, then why bother about kat-tun?

and you're right, she doesn't know kat-tun at all if she thinks all we do is rock. and kat-tun does not have to prove anything to people who dont care about them.

dont mind her bb! butthurt fans will always be butthurt. XDD


aozora7 September 7 2010, 01:19:48 UTC
she posted it in Eito and KinKi's comm too and maybe all the other group's comm (O_O)!

right? first she said in her post that she pissed off because KAT-TUN are selling better than her idol, then when i confirmed her if sales figures is her reason to be mad, she said she didn't mad at KAT-TUN. What the (o_0)

ugh, the whole proving thing. i've tried to explain nicely that KAT-TUN don't have to change style just to prove anything cause their fans (us) love their original self, but then she got scared of us (she really wrote "kat-tun fans scare me" when she replied to one of the comments). i was like "eeeeeh????"

butthurt fans are annoying but you're right the best we can do is ignore them (-_-)"


je_sugoi_suki September 7 2010, 01:18:03 UTC
Who is saying things like this about KAT-TUN? Can you really imagine them singing only sugar-pop? I don't think so. I love the rock side of KT and I think that is actually their strong point.



aozora7 September 7 2010, 01:23:02 UTC
This kid who posted this entry: and some of the comments below it.
have you read it? gosh, it can really piss you off (>.<)

how can we imagine them being all happy go lucky singing under the colorful rainbow?! ewww!!
other groups can do that, but not our KAT-TUN, it's not who they are.


je_sugoi_suki September 7 2010, 21:35:21 UTC
Wow....does this person realize how much BASHING she is doing to other fandoms?

W/e. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But does she even know that ALL of KAT-TUN's singles AND albums have been number one consecutively since their debut? And if she has been up to date with KT she would know that Koki is slowly growing out of his 'gangster'-ness. Well, he still has his gangster flavor but he has been dressing more casual lately, he even said himself he was trying to dress more 'adult'-like. AND even w/o Jin (sad face) there are hundreds of thousands of fans around the world who have pledged to continue to support KT (and Jin). So there!

This is SO irritating. And now I'm rambling so I'll stop.


aozora7 September 14 2010, 16:04:48 UTC
i guess she doesn't *shrugs*
she was bashing our fandom that much but she said i was bitching with my comments (O_O)
ugh whatever, she's only 13 after all (X_X)


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