I have some stuff to sell.
- All prices shown are in Euro and they do not include postage and packing fee.
- Payment can be made through Paypal (buyer take over paypal fees) or for German buyers also bank transfer
- I'm not responsible for the loss of the items once I have sent it out
- No refunds
- Everything is shipped from Germany so keep in mind
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Comments 6
Also leider passt das alles nicht in nen kleinen Umschlag. Werd also nen etwas größeren nehmen müssen. Ich glaub das kostet dann 1,45 Euro Porto.
Wäre das dann für dich ok?
Klar! PM mir nur nochmal deine Kontodaten dann überweis ich dir morgen das Geld. :)
I was wondering if the shop photos and the nino poster is still available?
and how much shipping it would be to Australia.
Thank you!!
well there is one problem. I have moved to Japan for one year and the stuff I'm selling is in Germany. I'm quite sure the poster is still there. About the photos I do not know. But like I said I do not have them on hand until August. ><
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