I am highly saddened to learn that proposition 8 has passed in CA. For those who don't know what prop 8 is, it is the proposition that eliminates the rights of same-sex couples to get marry. Earlier this year, the California Supreme Court overturned Prop 22 from 2000 ballot that defined marriage to be only between a man and woman based on the fact that it is discrimination thereby allowing same-sex couples a chance to get marry. [=)]However now with the passage of proposition 8, the beautiful perfect Constitution of CA has been amended to exclude gays and lesbians from marriage, because for the proponents of prop 8, same-sex couples do not fit into their "right definition" of traditional marriage, just like 40 years ago in Loving vs Virginia, an interracial marriage did not fit into the "definition of traditional marriage" of the majority. But thank god for the US supreme court, which struck down the ban on interracial marriage, defending the minority and not just allowing the majority to rule, because if the majority was to rule, there will never be any change for the good but change for the worse or be stuck in time. (Cause we know that the majority has always protected the rights of the minority... uh huh, yeah right. <=sarcasm if you didn't get it) There will be no steps forward for our freedom and rights as citizens, but overall our rights as human beings. I have such high hopes that California will defend the right of the minority. California was the first state to struck down the ban on interracial marriage. California has always been on the forefront to fight for the civil rights of the people and now with the passage of Prop 8 here in California, I feel like the steps forward that we have taken to protect the rights of our people have taken a huge gigantic step backwards maybe even ten steps backwards. I seriously believe that California would be more tolerable and open-minded, considering how diverse California is, but I was wrong. However even with this horrible injustice, I shall still believe that one day there will be equality for all regardless of their gender, race and sexual orientation.
Therefore in my anger and sadness of this "horrible" [the passage of proposition 8] and historic [Obama won - first African American US President] event, I decided to vent through icons. Here are six icons that expresses my feeling towards this subject. I hope that someday in the near future that this proposition will be struck down and that everyone regardless of their gender, race, and sexual orientation may be able to marry who they love because seriously finding your soulmate/true love is already so hard. So if someone is able to find his/her, I am truly happy for her/him and may he/she live forever in happiness.
[On other note, I am happy to learn that proposition four did NOT pass, which is notification of minor's parents if the minor is to have an abortion.]