I've brought the router downstairs and plugged its powercord into one of the outlets that works off the generator, so we have wifi when the generator's running. It's easier than trying to find a coffee shop that's open and then dealing with the internet access flickering in and out because there's thrice or five times as many users as they'd
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Comments 2
Felt that, too.
That's always the way, is it perception or metaperception? Glad things are going reasonably well - I was in Southbury with some people from the valley, and power is on or just came on, so Newtown, I hope, is soon on the list.
Good to know I'm not the only one who gets that.
I was in Southbury with some people from the valley, and power is on or just came on, so Newtown, I hope, is soon on the list.
Thank you. I hope so as well. The first selectman's mass telephone call this evening said tomorrow's for getting all the roads clear, but it looks as if there's power back no more than half a mile from here, so hopefully we'll get it soon.
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