Yeah yeah. I might keep a more steady schedule if anyone at all mentioned any actual interest!
*Opening video! Pan of the crowd! Pyro! THIS IS TCW! Open on Cole and Ventura*
Cole: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Twin Cities Wrestling Explosion! There's an action packed line up tonight! We've got scheduled a bit of a grudge match between the Motor City Machine Guns and D-generation X! And to keep the peace in that match, the Co-Commissioner!
Ventura: I still wanna know who the hell that Co-Commissioner is. We haven't heard anything about him, we don't know how much power he actually holds...we don't even know if he can keep the Guns in line during this match!
Cole: I think it's to keep D-X in line, partner.
Ventura: I don't see why he'd need to do that. Me, I'm waiting to see if Beer Money makes good on their promise to give Edge and Christian their title shot tonight!
Cole: I don't know, partner. They gave Storm a rather vicious Conchairto last week, he might not be cleared to wrestle.
Ventura: Bah, if he can't take a couple of chair shots, he doesn't deserve to be one half of the tag team champions!
Cole: In any case, we've got a gimmick division match coming up right now between Rhino and Bob Holly! So why don't we get in to that one!
*Holly's music plays, and Holly steps out, looking all hard core. He slowly makes his way to the ring, chewing a piece of bubble gum and looking focused. Rhino's music plays, and Roxxi and Rhino step out. Roxxi cheers out to the crowd, slapping hands as Rhino looks very intense and stomps towards the ring. He slides in, and Rhino and Holly face each other for a few moments before the bell is rung.
Rhino and Holly go for a lockup, neither one getting the upper hand for a moment before Rhino manages to power Holly back into the ropes. The Ref breaks them up, and they step back tot he middle before locking up again. This time, Holly manages to pull it into an arm wrench, spinning and turning the arm of Rhino. Rhino stands in pain for a moment, giving Holly the chance to spin again, wrenching it even more! Rhino grunts, and then turns and takes Holly down with a short arm clothesline. He rolls his wrenched arm, trying to get the feeling back into it, before taking a few stomps over on Holly. He moves quickly into the corner, squatting down and preparing to hit the gore. As Holly stands, Rhino charges, but Holly notices him and delivers a kick to the face. Rhino's charge is stopped, and Holly deliver's a kick to the mid-section before grabbing Rhino into a front face lock.
He quickly pulls Rhino over, hitting a suplex, before floating over for a pin. Kickout at one. Holly scowls, pulling Rhino up to his feet. Holly slams a forearm down on Rhino's back, and then throws Rhino over the top rope. The Ref admonishes him, but Holly ignores it and slides out of the ring. Roxxi moves to interpose herself between Holly and Rhino, and manages to stall Holly for a few moments before Holly shoves her away. Holly moves to grab Rhino, but Rhino's managed to catch his breath and fires back with several punches. Holly cuts him off by grabbing him and shoving him back against the guard railing. While Rhino's stunned, Holly raises his hand to the crowd, and then moves in to do more damage to Rhino. Rhino, however, grabs Holly and shoves him against the ring apron once, twice, three times before stumbling away to catch his breath. Roxxi moves in to pat his shoulder and give him a pep talk, signaling to the crowd who gives a small pop. Rhino catches his breath, and moves in towards Holly. Holly, however, delivers several punches before rolling Rhino into the ring. Holly follows, and they're both to their feet at the same time.
Rhino delivers a punch, Holly returns it. They trade punches, Rhino getting the better of Holly. Rhino then quickly grabs Holly, and hits a side belly to belly, tossing Holly across the ring. Rhino quickly moves to the corner, and squats down, waiting. As Holly gets to his feet, Rhino charges, and hits the GORE! Pin, 1-2-3, victory for Rhino!*
Cole: An impressive Gimmick Division match up, and...hold on a moment...
Ventura: Lose a contact lens, Cole?
Cole: No, I'm getting word from the back that Jerry Lynn has arrived in the building, and was immediately shuffeled into Commissioner Slaughter's office. Let's see if we can get a camera back there...
*Scene shifts. Jerry Lynn is sitting on the couch in Slaughter's office. Slaughter is clearly enraged*
Slaughter: A forged doctor's note?! Just to interrupt this show's main event match?! What the hell were you thinking?! *Lynn looks like he's about to talk, but Slaughter is clearly not done ranting* I don't care if you are number one contender for the Gimmick Title. I don't care if McMahon did cheat you out of your belt. You do not interfere in a match that way! I've got enough problems dealing with D-X and the Guns, not to mention Ziggler and Perfect! I don't need this kind of stuff from the gimmick division, too! I'm on your side here, Lynn, but I still have to reprimand you for interfering in the match.
Lynn: Totally. Worth it.
Slaughter: *Snorts* See how you feel after you wrestle Arik Cannon in a Gimmick Rules match for the number one contender's spot. *That makes Lynn rather annoyed, but Slaughter speaks before Lynn does* You'll still get your re-match at Repercussions this month. But if Cannon wins, that re-match becomes a three way dance. Just remember, you brought this on yourself, Lynn. Now get out of here.
*Lynn looks rather like he might say something, but simply sighs and stands to his feet, leaving the office. Scene shifts again to Cole and Jesse*
Cole: Wow,
Ventura: That'll show Lynn not to interfere in the Champions matches! McMahon had that match won, and Lynn came to interfere.
Cole: We have to go to a commercial break! Explosion continues when we return.
Cole: And we're back! This is Michael Cole alongside my broadcast partner Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, and if you're just joining us, former Gimmick division champion Jerry Lynn was just ordered to wrestle The Anarchist Arik Cannon for the official Number One contender spot!
Ventura: And it's about bloody time Lynn learned that his actions have consequences, too!
Cole: You have to give Lynn a little leeway, partner. I mean, he was essentially cheated out of his title!
Ventura: I don't have to give anyone any leeway. McMahon didn't cheat in that match, everything was played by the rules. Lynn is the only cheater here!
Cole: But...
*The Guns music begins playing, and the Guns come out from the back, microphone in hand*
Cole: ...Looks like we're getting a visit from the Motor City Machine Guns.
*The Guns slide into the ring, pose for the crowd, and then begin speaking*
Sabin: I know you were all expecting something like a wrestling match right now, but we felt the need to say a few words to D-Generation X. Look, I don't know what crawled up you guys' asses...
Shelly: I've got a few ideas, but it didn't so much crawl as get lubed up and...
Sabin: *Cuts Shelly off* But that's besides the point. You guys need to get over yourselves. You tried to cheat, you got caught. Deal with it. If you think we're just going to hang around and let you interfere in our matches and jump us back stage, then...
*D-X's music begins playing. Michaels and HHH step out from the back, both of them carrying a microphone*
Michaels: Listen, punks. I don't know if you think you're cute, trying to rip us off, but we're not going to stand around and let you present a cheap knockoff of D-generation X. We were mouthing off to authority and cracking snide insults at people back when you ere a dirty thought in your Daddy's minds. *He and HHH casually step down the ramp, and climb into the ring. Neither Shelly nor Sabin back down*
Shelly: Yeah, that's half the problem. You guys are, what, a hundred and fifty? You haven't been entertaining since...since...
Sabin: Since the Eisenhower administration?
HHH: *He steps directly into Sabin's face, looking down his nose* You wanna give me one reason why we shouldn't kick every inch of your asses right here and now?
Sabin: *Continues to not back down* ...You know what? Yeah, I do.
*Sabin pulls a fist back, and swings a hard right into HHH's face. Shelly does the same to Michaels, and the two teams begin trading blows. Referees and Security come from the back, and attempt to break it up*
Cole: We've got a free for all in there!
Ventura: The Guns shouldn't have started that! Not only was it rude, but Slaughter's been on a rampage lately! I hope he reprimands the Guns for starting that brawl!
*And the brawl is interrupted as the old theme song from AWA All Star Wrestling begins playing. This causes the fighting to stop, and makes everyone look up at the entrance ramp. From the back steps Verne Gagne, carrying a microphone and looking pretty pleased with himself*
Cole: It's Verne Gagne! Oh my god, it's the ten time AWA champion Verne Gagne!
Ventura: That washed up old has-been? Only thing I ever liked about him was he kept Hogan in line!
Gagne: Hey, hey, hey. Security, Refs...I think there was a tag team match scheduled for tonight. Both teams are in the ring, the special enforcer is here, I see no reason why we can't go ahead and start the match now. Ring the bell!
*Bell rings, but the lull in the brawl let D-X collect themselves. The Ref manages to get Michaels and Shelly to their corners. HHH hits Sabin with a heavy forearm, causing him to stumble back into the ropes. HHH then steps back, readying to deliver a clothesline and knock Sabin out of the ring, when Gagne hops up on the ring apron and points a warning finger at HHH, yelling at him to let Sabin get off the ropes. HHH pulls back, scowling at Gagne, but doesn't attack. Sabin collects himself and gets off the ropes. Gagne hops off the apron.
HHH goes for alockup, but Sabin ducks and delivers a kick to the knee. Another lockup attempt, another duck and a kick to the knee. HHH stares at Sabin, who stares back, and then steps over to the corner, tagging in Michaels. Sabin and Michaels face off, with Michaels feigning a lock up but instead delivering a stiff punch to Sabin. The Ref reprimands Michaels, who ignores the reprimand to grab Sabin in a headlock. Sabin shoves Michaels off, but Michaels goes to the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle. Sabin down and back up, and Michaels hits the ropes again to deliver another shoulder tackle. Michaels hits the ropes a third time, but Sabin hits the ground and Michaels goes over him. Sabin is up as Michaels hits the other ropes, and he hops over Michaels. Michaels hits the ropes yet again, and Sabin hits an arm drag. Michaels is down and then up, but Sabin hits a second armdrag. Michaels is up a third time, this time Sabin charges and hits a drop kick. Michaels stumbles over the top rope, falling outside the ring, and Sabin quickly rushes to the other side of the ring, stomping his foot to gather some momentum, clearly planning a top rope dive. Gagne hops up on the ring apron, yelling and pointing a finger at Sabin, telling him to keep it in the ring.*
Ventura: Well, at least our Co-Commissioner is actually enforcing the rules on both teams!
*Sabin poses for the crowd while Michaels takes a breather outside. Michaels rolls in at the five count. They face off, and Michaels goes for a lockup, getting it. He steps around into a waist lock, which Sabin reverses into his own waistlock. Michaels hits a back elbow, knocking Sabin off, and then turns and peppers Sabin with several forearms. He takes Sabin to the ropes, and whips him across the ring, meeting in the middle with a hard clothesline. He then picks up Sabin, sends him to the corner, and tags in HHH. Michaels and HHH work over Sabin for several minutes, making frequent tags.
Until HHH sends Sabin against the ropes to go for a rising knee. Sabin counters with a step up enziguri, knocking both wrestler's down. They both drag themselves to the corner...and then...Hot tags! Shelly charges in, meeting Michaels in the middle with several forearms. He proceeds to ship Michaels to the corner, while Sabin gets to his feet. The Guns pile to the opposite corner, and Shelly whips Sabin towards Michaels. Sabin hits a jumping forearm, and then Shelly charges right behind him, also hitting a jumping forearm. Sabin runs back around to the alternate corner as Michaels falls to a seated position, charges the corner, and hits a hesitation dropkick before rolling out of the ring.
Shelly picks Michaels up, and this him with a heavy forearm to keep him in the corner. He then runs to the alternate corner, while Sabin steps back several steps. Shelly charges, and they go for their trademark Superkick/Enziguri combo, but Michaels drops to the side. The Guns' feet hit, and Shelly falls to the ground. Michaels doesn't hesitate, going for a pin. 1-2, kickout! Michaels shakes his head, standing up and grabbing Shelly quickly. He hits a bodyslam, and moves towards the corner.
Meanwhile, HHH moves on the outside of the ring, moving around as if planning to take a potshot at Sabin. Gagne stops him on the side of the ring. HHH has words with Gagne, who's clearly not taking any shit. Michaels climbs up the turnbuckle, and jumps, hitting his flying elbow at the same time HHH takes a swing at Gagne. Gagne ducks it, and slaps the SleeperHold on HHH. The Ref is distracted by Gagne and HHH, and doesn't notice Michaels pinning Shelly. Michaels pins for a three count, and then looks up and realizes what's going on. With a quick motion, he slides out of the ring, leaving the Guns be. Sabin slides into the ring and attempts to revive Shelly.
Gagne tosses aside HHH as Michaels slides out of the ring, motioning to Michaels to bring it on. Michaels looks for a moment like he might walk away, but instead turns and hits a Sweet Chin Music on Gagne. Sabin and Shelly move out of the ring at that point, jumping Michaels and double teaming him. HHH slowly comes to his senses, reaching under the ring from where he lays and grabbing a chair. The Ref is distracted trying to get the Guns off of Michaels, and doesnt' notice HHH sliding into the ring with the chair. HHH uses no subtlty, instead choosing to swing a chair into Sabin's back. Sabin arches and turns, and HHH hits him full in the face. The Ref calls for the bell while HHH smacks Shelly*
Cole: This match has turned into what it started off being!
Ventura: D-X teaching the Guns a lesson for being a couple of young punks! And where does Gagne get off interfering in the match like that?!
*In the ring, Security and Referees are pulling D-X off the Guns. Trainers are busy tending to Gagne*
Cole: While we try to sort out the carnage in the ring, why don't we go to the back with Lauren, who's got an interview with Dolph Ziggler.
*Scene shift. Ziggler with Lauren in the interview area*
Lauren: I'm here with Dolph Ziggler, who...
Ziggler: *Grabs the microphone* Last week? That was bull putting me in a no DQ match with Awesome Kong. But you know what? I *still* almost pulled it off! So how about it, Perfect!? How about you man up, and give me the title shot that you know I deserve? Or are you too chicken? Huh?!
*From off camera, Perfect comes strolling into the interview area, the belt resting on his shoulder. He looks perfectly confident as he steps over to Ziggler and Lauren, and casually takes the microphone*
Perfect: You want a title shot?
Ziggler: Yeah! I think I deserve one!
Perfect: Hmm. Tell you what. I *was* going to have a match against Johnny Saint tonight. But I'll let you take my place. You beat him? *Perfect shrugs* I'll give you a title shot.
Ziggler: ...just beat Saint.
Perfect: Just beat Saint.
Ziggler: And I get my title shot?
Perfect: And you get your title shot.
Ziggler: And that's it. That's all I have to do?
Perfect: That's all you have to do.
Ziggler: *Snorts* That'll be easy. That's up next, right? You watch. I'll beat the ever loving hell out of Saint, then I'm coming for my title. *Ziggler walks off.*
Perfect: *Smirking that smirk of his* ...think I should have mentioned it was a submission match?
*Scene shifts back to Cole and Ventura*
Cole: Well, that's a bit of a change up. We were scheduled to have a match between Johnny Saint and Mister Perfect Curt Hennig, but apparently that's changed to a match between Dolph Ziggler and Johnny Saint.
Ventura: You gotta admire Ziggler's confidence. His willing to take on someone with the technical skill of Johnny Saint, and his unwillingness to let Hennig just walk away with a win he didn't really earn.
*Mr. Perfect's entrance music plays, and he steps out from the back. He holds up the title, to a crowd pop, and then strolls down the ramp, over to the announce booth. He sits down, pulling a headset on*
Perfect: Cole. Jesse. Wonderful to be with you again.
Cole: Great to have you, Curt. I think what we all want to know is, why trade your match with Dolph Ziggler?
Perfect: Ziggles wants a title shot, but he hasn't really earned it. I mean, you want to get technical, Awesome Kong's the number one contender. So, he wants a shot? He's gonna have to prove he's championship material. Not that surprising, really.
*Dolph Ziggler's entrance music plays, and Ziggler comes to the ring. He rolls into the ring, and stands up on the second turnbuckle to pose for the crowd. The crowd seems unimpressed. Saint's music plays, and Johnny Saint steps out of the back, wearing a long, sparkly robe. He steps into the ring, and slides his robe off, handing it over the top rope to someone waiting at ringside. The Referee checks them both for weapons, and then explains the rules. Ziggler's eyes go wide, and he's clearly upset. He turns to Perfect, pointing and yelling. Perfect shrugs his shoulders*
Cole: Ziggler doesn't seem too happy about the submission stipulation. Do you think it was fair not telling him?
Perfect: Hey, if he's good enough, it shouldn't matter.
*The ref rings the bell, and Saint offers a hand out to shake. Ziggler instead spits at Saint, much to the boo of the crowd. Ziggler and Saint square off. Ziggler looks apprehensive, but locks up with Saint. Saint twists around into an armwrench, holding it for a moment before twisting it back into a hammerlock. He shifts forward into a side headlock. Ziggler tries to push him off, but Saint drops to one knee, holding the headlock. Ziggler gets back up to his feet, trying again to shove Saint off. Saint once again holds on, dropping to one knee. Ziggler manages to stand back up, and in a burst of adrenaline, grabs Saint around the waist and picks him up to deliver an atomic drop. That makes Saint let go, and Ziggler stumbles for a moment, a hand to his head*
Perfect: Oooh, that extended side headlock could cause problems for Ziggles later in the match
Ventura: definitely. You cut off the bloodflow to the head that long, and there's gonna be problems.
*Saint goes in for another lockup, but Ziggler cuts him off with a stiff kick to the midsection. Ziggler then applies his own sideheadlock, holding it for a moment before pulling Saint over in a headlock takedown. Saint raises an arm, twisting to one side and then the other in an attempt to escape, before swinging his leg around and pulling Ziggler down in a leg scissors. Ziggler kipups out of it, and the two are back on their feet. Another lockup, and Ziggler pulls Saint into an arm wrench. Saint bends at the knees several times in an attempt to change the leverage, before sumersaulting forward, spinning around, and reversing it into an armwrench of his own. He then twists around into a hammerlock, wrenching the arm upwards a bit before sliding it into a full nelson*
Cole: Saint seem to be targeting the arm and shoulders of Dolph Ziggler
Perfect: Well, that Johnny Saint Special of his targets the arm, so it only makes sense to weaken that area of the body.
*Ziggler twists and struggles for a moment, before letting his arms go limp and sitting out of the hold. He turns quickly, springing to his feet while grabbing Saint's ankles, and pulls Saint down with a double leg takedown. Quickly, Ziggler drops an elbow, a second elbow, and then a third elbow in rapid succession, before slicking his hair back and flinging the sweat at Saint's prone body. He follows this by jumping into the air, and delivering one last elbow drop. He stands to his feet, pointing at Perfect and motioning to his waist, before kneeling down near Saint's upper body and pulling him up into a waist lock. He squeezes tightly, applying a sit-down bear hug*
Ventura: Ziggler's threatening you, Hennig.
Perfect: Yeah, well, we'll see what happens.
*Ziggler wrenches back on the bearhug, trying to get Saint to tap. Saint does no such thing, trying to pull against Ziggler's hands to get out of the hold. Ziggler rolls down, shifting his weight and turning the bearhug into a camel clutch. Saint tries to stretch for the ropes, but is too far away. He swings an arm out, in an attempt adjust leverage, before bending a leg at the knee. He tries to push up, but Ziggler shifts, keeping the hold tight. Saint winces, and reaches his hands down to grasp one of Ziggler's leg. With a mighty tug, he pulls Ziggler's leg forward, causing Ziggler to trip to the side. Saint uses the momentum to roll through, pushing Ziggler onto his back. He quickly spins Ziggler over onto his stomach, and pulls Ziggler's leg back into a modified ankle lock. Ziggler screams, and quickly crawls for the rope, grabbing it with a hand. Saint pulls off, arching his back.
As soon as Ziggler is off the rope, Saint is on him. He quickly grabs Ziggler, throwing him across the ring. Ziggler hits the ropes and comes back, and Saint hits an arm drag. Ziggler's back on his feet, but Saint hits a drop kick. Ziggler's back on his feet again, but Saint is up too. HE grabs Ziggler by the head, jumps up, and slams Ziggler's face into both his knees. Ziggler falls, and Saint raises a hand to the crowd before bending down and grabbing up Ziggler's arm. He twists it around into a wristlock, followed by an elbow lock, which he twists behind Ziggler's back to stretch the shoulder, as well. Ziggler screams, looking like he might tap at any moment, but finally swings his arm up and hits Saint with a blatant thumb to the eye. Saint falls back, grabbing at his eye, and the ref admonishes Ziggler*
Perfect: Oh, man, Saint had that won! Won!
Ventura: But ya gotta admire Ziggler for getting Saint off his arm like that!
*Ziggler clutches his arm close to his chest as he gets to his feet. Saint is up at the same time, but Ziggler hits the ropes before charging, hitting Saint with a hard clothesline. Saint goes down, and Ziggler moves for another elbow drop. Saint rolls out of the way, and Ziggler comes down hard on his elbow. He screams, and Saint promptly grabs his arm and rolls him around into an armbar/Wristlock combination. Ziggler promptly twists around, swinging his feet in front of him before spinning upwards and wrapping Saint in a reverse chinlock. Saint moves his arm around to test the leverage, before swinging his hand upwards. Ziggler's eyes follow, and Saint pulls his hand downward and shakes it in front of Ziggler. Ziggler reaches for Saint's hand, and Saint promptly spins around, pulling himself out of the hold and spinning Ziggler into an armwrench. Ziggler screams in pain, trying for the ropes, but Saint wrenches back harder. Ziggler finally taps! Victory for Saint!*
Perfect: ...Too bad. Ziggles did so *well*, too. He almost had Saint once or twice there.
Cole: An impressive match none the less, Curt. Combine that with his impressive show against Awesome Kong last week, and surely that gives him some consideration in future title matches?
Perfect: Maybe *some* consideration. But I did say he had to *win* if he wanted that title shot.
*Perfect gets up and leaves. Ventura shakes his head*
Ventura: I thought Ziggler should have won that. Saint tricked him with all that hand waving.
Cole: Well, that's part of the game, partner. But right now, Lauren is standing by with our Gimmick Division champion. Let's go to the back.
*Scene shifts! Lauren standing with Shane, Seamus, and Horace*
Lauren: I'm here with Gimmick Division champion Shane McMahon. Now, Shane. Last week, former champion and your opponent at Repercussions Jerry Lynn jumped you in the middle of your match. What are your thoughts?
Shane: *Adjusts the belt on his shoulder before speaking into the microphone* Well, I'll give props where props are due. Forging a doctor's note so no one was expecting him in the arena? Classic. That was *classic*. I love that sort of thing. Even the good guys around here are lying and cheating. *Horace and Seamus nod and are amused!* But hey, props to Slaughter for actually enforcing the rules around here. I'm the Gimmick Division champion, I don't need some blue collar scum charging into my matches and screwing things up. I put good money into this promotion, I expect some payback on my investment. However, I have no *real* desire to have this become a triple threat match. So, guess it's time for some McMahon money to buy some insurance. *Shane heads off, and Horace and Seamus follow.*
Lauren: Shane, wait! What do you mean by...*she sighs, looking at the camera* We have a commercial break, we'kll be right back.
*Return on the sound of Edge and Christian's entrance music*
Ventura: Ah, the number one contenders and soon to be tag team champions!
Cole: Unless they get caught cheating.
*Edge and Christian step into the ring, and Edge grabs a microphone*
Edge: First off, let's go ahead and get this out of th eway. For the benefit of those with flash is your 5 second pose!
*E&C flex for the crowd for a few moments before talking again*
Edge: Now. I do believe that we were told last week that if we beat Beer Money, we'd get a title shot. That totally reeks of awesomeness. And now, I think, it's time for us to get our shot!
Christian: Yeah, we're totally ready!
*Beer Money's music plays, and Roode and Storm step out. Storm has a neckbrace on, and Roode has a microphone*
Cole: Uh-oh, I was afraid of this after last week.
Ventura: It's a scam! They're just trying to get out of defending the titles!
Roode: Look. Guys. I know we said if you beat us, you'd get a title shot. *Storm points and angrily calls them cheaters. Roode reaches a hand back to calm Storm down* But my partner here has a concussion and a neck injury from that conchairto you guys gave him last week, and the doctors won't clear him to wrestler.
Edge: Hey, that totally reeks of sucktitude! *Christian nods along with Edge* You guys promised us a title shot! You need to get down here and give it to us!
Ventura: They did promise a title shot, and Edge and Christian *did* beat them!
Cole: Yeah, but not only did Edge and Christian cheat, but Storm is injured! You can't expect them to defend the titles tonight!
Ventura: I expect them to make good on their word, yes!
Roode: Look, look. We're not trying to skimp out on you guys. I mean, you did *cheat* and all, but really, we just can't defend tonight. However, we got you a replacement.
Edge: Replacement? You can't just make us wrestle someone else for the title!
Roode: Not for the title, but you were promised a match tonight. SO we called up a couple of friends of ours to come and wrestle you. I'm pretty sure you know them, too.
*Music plays, and out come...THE DUDLY BOYS! Dressed in their tye-dyed shirts and camo-overalls, looking quite ready to kick some ass. E&C look quite appropriately freaked, and clear the ring as the Dudley's charge in*
Cole: Oh my!
Ventura: Oh your is right, Cole! This is a travesty! Edge and Christian are supposed to be getting a tag team title match, and instead we've got a match with two guys who aren't even on contract with TCW? How is this fair to our number one contenders?!
Cole: Hey, if Storm isn't cleared to wrestle, I'd say they found a good replacement! The Dudley's have given Edge and Christian some massive wars in other promotions, and we're sure to see some impressiveness here!
*Beer Money steps over to the announce table, while The Dudley's are posing for the crowd, while the Ref yells at E&C to get back into the ring. Finally, after stalling for several moments, they do. Christian steps out, and Buh Buh Ray stays in the ring. Ref calls for the bell. Christian and Buhbuh square off for a moment, before Christian goes for a lockup. They struggle in the ring for a moment, before Buhbuh shoves Christian, and Christian goes rolling across the ring. Christian looks at Buhbuh, licks his lips nervously, and quickly tags Edge. Edge pats Christian on the shoulder, before stepping into the ring*
Cole: Beer Money Incorperated, good to have you here with us.
Roode: We just wish we could be in the ring right now. We would have totally given Edge and Christian their title shot. Just, can't compete. Storm is concussed.
Ventura: Yeah, I just *bet* he is.
*Edge and Buhbuh square off, and Buhbuh goes for the lockup. Edge cuts it off with a forearm to the face, followed up by two more before taking Buhbuh's hand and whipping him to the ropes. Buhbuh comes back and hits a hard shoulder tackle, knocking Edge to the ground. He then goes for an elbow drop, which Edge rolls out of the way of. Buhbuh sells his elbow, and Edge goes in with hard stomps before moving in to tag Christian.
Edge and Christian proceed to work Buh Buh over, not allowing him to get a tag. They make quick tags to each other, keeping Buhbuh down, until Edge climbs the turnbuckle and goes for an elbow drop. Buhbuh rolls out of the way. Edge hits hard, and Buhbuh scrambles to the corner. Hot tag to Devon, who charges into the ring. He meets the oncoming Christian with a hard clothesline, before grabbign up Edge and whipping him to the ropes. Devon hits the other side, and hits a flying elbow on Edge. He gets to his feet, ducking down to grab the rushing Christian and flip him over in a back body drop. Then it's spin around on one foot before making the sign of the cross on himself. TESTIFY! Buh Buh is up by then, and he steps over to Devon, slapping his brother in the chest*
Roode: Oh, I think we know what's coming now!
Cole: Looks like Buh Buh wants some wood!
*Buh Buh yells out for the crowd!*
Buh Buh: DEVON! *Pause for the crowd* GET THE TABLE!
*Devon slides out of the ring, and Buh Buh moves to Edge, delivering several stomps. Christian is up, and he grabs Buh Buh to pull him away from Edge. Buhbuh turns quickly, setting up Christian and hitting a ugarandi. He turns on Edge, and as Edge stands up he grabs the man up in a full nelson. He picks Edge up, and hits the Buh Buh bomb!
Devon slides the table into the ring. The Ref is yelling at Devon to get the table out of the ring, Devon shoves the Ref aside, and sets up the table. Buhbuh drags Christian over, rolling him onto the table before peppering him with several punches. Devon then grabs Edge, while Buh Buh sets up on the second turnbuckle. Edge is picked up, fed to BuhBuh, and powerbombed onto Christian, through the table! The ref calls for the bell! Victory via Disqualification, Edge and Christian!*
Roode: An impressive victory from the number one contenders!
Ventura: You two planned that! You knew full well that those damn Dudleys were going to put Edge and Christian through a table!
Storm: Nah, we just wanted to make sure they had a good match tonight, is all!
Roode: Plus, they won the match! What more could you want?
Cole: There's utter *carnage* in the ring right now. The Dudleys have left the number one contenders broken in half! While we try to sort this carnage out, we have to go to commercial. When we get back, Jerry Lynn, Arik Cannon, in a gimmick rules match!
*Scene comes in on Lauren with Arik Cannon*
Lauren: I'm here with the Anarchist Arik Cannon, who has a gimmick rules match with the former Gimmick division champion, Jerry Lynn. Cannon, we were all surprised to see you enter that gauntlet match, but it seems to have worked out for you!
Cannon: Well, I'm Minnesotan, born and bred. *Crowd pop!* And when we see an opportunity, we go for it. Commissioner Slaughter said anyone who won the gauntlet match would be looked favorably on when ti came time for passing out title shots, and titles, well, they mean something. So...
*Lynn walks into the interview area. He and Cannon match gazes for a moment, before Lynn grabs the microphone gently*
Lynn: Cannon. Look, I'm not gonna come out here and try to tell you off. We've known each other too long for that. We wrestled together when you were running First Wrestling, booking shows out in First Avenue in downtown Minneapolis. *Crowd pop!* But if you think I'm gonna go easy on you...don't. I don't need to have a second person int hat ring to worry about when I re-claim *my* Gimmick division title. So I just wanna say, don't take it personally. I'm not beating your ass tonight because I dislike you.
Cannon: *He smirks, reaching out and patting Lynn on the shoulder* Wouldn't have it any other way, Jerry. *And he turns and leaves. Lynn hands Lauren the microphone, and follows.*
Lauren: Well, a fairly surprising show of sportsmanship between the two wrestlers. Back to you, Michael and Jesse.
*Scene shifts. Shane McMahon's music plays, and Shane comes dancing out, all by his lonesome. Crowd booing, but he still holds up the Gimmick division title! It's all his! He makes his way down to the announce table, and sits down*
Ventura: Oh, what a treat! We have the gimmick division champ sitting here with us!
Shane: Great to be here, Jesse. Just getting a feel out for the competition.
Cole: Really? You don't have any plans for tonight's combatants?
Shane: Really, Cole. I'm hurt you would suggest such a thing. Lynn alone in a Gimmick rules match, Lynn and Cannon together in a triple threat, hell, put is in a cage if you want. I'm the champ for a reason.
Ventura: That's right, Cole! How dare you impune the honor of our gimmick division champion!
*Cannon's music plays, and Cannon heads out to the ring, slapping hands and looking excited. He slides into the ring, raising his hands and posing for the crowd. Lynn's music plays, and Lynn comes out, likewise slapping hands and posing. Into the ring he slides!*
Cole: Head referee Shane Sewell is the referee for tonight's contest, and he looks well prepared, doesn't he?
Ventura: He'd better. Need to keep an eye on that cheating bastard Lynn.
*Bell rings. Cannon and Lynn shake hands before going for a lockup. They struggle for a few moments, before Cannon powers Lynn back, into the corner. Sewell calls for the break, and Cannon breaks and backs up without issue. Back to the center, another lockup. This time, Lynn powers Cannon back into the corner. Sewell calls for the break, and Lynn breaks off, giving Cannon a moment to move from the corner. As Cannon steps out, Lynn hits him with several forearms, pounding him back into the corner. He then grabs Cannon, tossing him over in a veal. Cannon hits the ground, but bounces up to his feet rather quickly. He gives Lynn a look, and Lynn responds by shrugging his shoulders.
Lynn steps forward, going for another lockup. Cannon ducks it, wrapping his arms around Lynn's waist. He picks Lynn up, slamming him face first on the ground, and then spins around into a front face lock. He holds it for several moments, until Lynn manages to power up to his feet. He wraps his arm around Cannon's, grabs Cannon's tights, and swings him over in a snap suplex, breaking the hold*
Cole: An impressive break out by the former Gimmick division champion.
Ventura: Yeah, but there's a reason why he's the *former* champion!
*Lynn and Cannon get to their feet. Lynn is up first, and he quickly grabs Cannon by the hand and whips him to the ropes. He follows, and hits Cannon with a hard knee to the gut right as Cannon bounces. He grabs Cannon's hand, and once again whips Cannon to the ropes. Cannon reverses this time, sending Lynn to the ropes. Lynn comes back, Cannon hops over him, but Lynn puts on the breaks and delivers a stiff kick to the midsection as Cannon turns around. He grabs Cannon's hand once again, and sends Cannon to the corner before following him. Cannon grabs the corner ropes, and hops up to float back. Lynn follows through, jumping up on the second turnbuckle and turning, hitting Cannon with a flying cross body! He goes for the pin, kickout at one.
Lynn is up, Cannon is up. Cannon hits a forearm, Lynn hits a forearm of his own. They trade forearms, back and forth, before Cannon grabs Lynn and hits a T-Bone suplex. Lynn hits the ground hard, and rolls out of the ring for a breather. Cannon follows, sliding out of the ring and hitting Lynn with several more forearms before grabbing Lynn by the shoulders and slamming his head against the ring apron. Lynn falls back, and Cannon grabs his legs. He sets up for a boston crab, but instead falls back and catapaults Lynn to the guard railing. Lynn hits hard, taking a moment to attempt to compose himself. Cannon charges, hitting Lynn with a clothesline and tumbling over the guard railing. They go tumbling to the audience side, and Cannon stands to his feet, raising his hand to the air. He climbs over the guard railing, and pulls it closer to the ring in an attempt to give himself more space, before climbing atop the ring apron.*
Cole: This thing has spilled outside the ring and there's not a thing Sewell can do about it!
Shane: This is the kind of stuff you have to deal with when you wrestle in the gimmick division. I should know, I am the gimmick division champion.
*Cannon waits until Lynn is to his feet, and then dives off the ring apron, hitting Lynn with a cross body. They both tumble to the ground, and roll about for a few moments in pain before Cannon pins Lynn. 1-2, kickout. Cannon gets to his feet, and Lynn does as well, stumbling towards the ring. Cannon closes in, but Lynn turns and grabs Cannon by the back of the neck before slamming Cannon face first into the guard rail. HE then tosses Cannon over the railing, before climbing over himself and going for a pin. 1-2, kickout. Lynn gets to his feet, and climbs back into the ring.
It's at that moment Seamus comes running in from the back. He runs down the ramp, and slides into the ring. Sewell looks pissed, and moves to stand in front of Seamus, yelling and screaming at him to get the hell out of the ring*
Cole: McMahon's lapdog has run into the match! And you mean to tell me you had nothing to do with this!?
Shane: Hey, I don't control them. I just pay them to do some odd jobs for me. It's not like I command Seamus to do everything.
*Lynn is up, and he moves Sewell out of the way in order to swing several punches at Seamus. Seamus goes down hard. But from the crowd comes Horace the Psychopath. He hops over the guard railing, and smacks Cannon in the back of the head with his big canvas bag before sliding into the ring. Lynn turns from Seamus, just in time to get a face full of canvas bag himself. Sewell, however, is literally shaking with rage at this. He rips his shit from his chest, tossing it away, and delivers several punches to Horace, making him drop the canvas bag. Seamus is up, but Sewell turns and delivers several punches to Seamus,as well*
Shane: ...Huh. That's unexpected. Sorry, boys, gotta go play manager. *Shane gets up, and runs to the ring*
Cole: What in god's name is McMahon doing!?
Ventura: Taking care of unfinished business! That's what!
*Shane gets into the ring, and Sewell turns to deal with him, as well. Shane, however, is prepared and he smacks Sewell in the face with the title belt. Sewell goes down. Shane yells at Horace, and Horace picks up the canvas bag and dumps it out. Thumbtacks! Thousands of thumbtacks!
Cannon reaches under the ring, pulling out a steel chair,. He slides into the ring quickly, smacking Horace in the back of the head. Seamus turns, hitting a big boot and smacking the chair into Cannon's face. Cannon is down, and Seamus picks him up and promptly powerbombs him onto the thumbtacks. Cannon flops about, rolling away. Shane kicks at Horace, who gets to his feet, wobbling a bit after the chair shot. Shane points to Lynn and Sewell, yelling orders at his lapdogs. Horace and Seamus pick Sewell and Lynn up, and both of them get powerbombed onto the thumbtacks!*
Cole: Oh, no. Shane McMahon, ruining not only a great main event match, but leaving not only his potential opponents down and out, but the referee, too! What's going to happen next week?!
*Show cuts out on a shot of Shane, holding the Gimmick Title up for the world to see!*