*Pyro! Video! THIS IS TCW! Pan the crowd! Broadcast team!*
Cole: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another edition of Twin Cities Wrestling Explosion! We've got a bang up show for you tonight, featuring matches with the top stars of the Twin Cities Territory!
Ventura: That's right, Michael Cole! Tonight, we see the fall out of last week's main event. A six man tag match between McMahon, Seamus, and Horace the Psychopath and Lynn, Cannon, and Shane Sewell. Thoguh why the Commissioners put a referee in a wrestling match, I'll never guess!
Cole: Because Referee Shane Sewell wants a chance to strike back at the people who viciously brutalized him last week! Even you have to respect something like that! I'm more interested in the Singles Division title match between Awesome Kong and Mister Perfect Curt Hennig!
Ventura: Well, Hennig couldn't beat her at Run for Glory, I don't see him doing much better this time around. Hey, do you think Storm's cleared to wrestle yet?
Cole: I don't think so, partner. I do wonder what's going to be happening with the tag team titles. Speaking of tag teams, I think the Guns are scheduled to make an appearance tonight, Let's see...
*The Guns entrance music plays, and the Guns come down to the ring, microphones in hand. They pose for the crowd, and then begin speaking*
Sabin: Look, D-X. I know you guys are sore because you can't beat us fair and square...
Shelly: And don't forget how we have to wear bigger cups.
Sabin: Right, bigger cups. Anyway, you don't need to cheat every time we have a match. There are plenty of *other* ways you can lose! And I know you know how. We've seen you do it often enough.
*From the crowd runs HHH and Michaels. They come in quickly, Hunter with a sledge hammer and Michaels with a steel chair. They blindside the Guns, who drop from the sudden attack*
Cole: Oh no oh no! D-X has assaulted the Motor City Machine Guns! And, are those...
Ventura: You bet they are, Michael Cole! D-X brought themselves a pair of handcuffs!
*D-X proceeds to handcuff the Guns to the ring ropes, and beat the ever loving snot out of them. After several minutes of a beat down, security runs out. D-X simply heads out. Trainers and medics come in to check on the Guns, working to get the handcuffs off*
Cole: The Guns have been left a bloody mess!
Ventura: They keep being so disrespectful to D-X, of course they got left a bloody mess! This is what happens when you insult people of the skill and talent that Triple H and Shawn Michaels have!
Cole: While the EMT's help the Guns, why don't we go to the back with Lauren, who's got Mister Perfect Curt Hennig for a few questions about his upcoming match.
*Scene shift, into the interview area with Lauren and Perfect!*
Lauren: Mister Perfect, tonight you've got a one on one match for the Singles division Title against Awesome Kong. Why would you offer her this chance? I Mean, she's Awesome Kong...she can probably benchpress three of you.
Perfect: *Adjusts the belt on his shoulder before speaking* Run for Glory. Awesome Kong against me. She had a pretty decent shot, all told. But Dolph Ziggler interfered, and cost Kong the title. Now, some people have been saying that I can't beat Awesome Kong on my own. And others have been saying that I was wrong to take th eopening Ziggler gave me. So I'm giving Kong the chance she should have had. And Ziggles? *Perfect looks right at the camera* You interfere this time, and you never get a title shot as long as I'm the champ.
*Perfect nods and walks off. As Lauren opens her mouth to say something, we hear a scream from off stage, followed by the sounds of things being thrown around. Lauren's eyes go wide, and she runs towards the sound. She and the camera pass through the backstage area, into the locker room area. A door reading Awesome Kong stands ajar, and the dressing room inside of it is trashed. Lauren shakes her head*
Lauren: I have no idea what happened here, but I'll try to keep you updated! Back to you, Jesse and Michael!
*Scene shift!*
Cole: What's going on here?! D-X attacking the Guns, someone attacking...I guess Awesome Kong...
Ventura: The whole place is going to hell in a handbasket! Take that, Commissioners! Try to run a clean show now!
Cole: All I know is that we've got a singles style match between Ken Shamrock and Johnny Saint, so let's get to that.
*Shamrock's music plays! Shamrock comes out, by himself. He roars for the crowd, before getting into the ring. Saint's music plays, and Saint steps into the ring, wearing that long, sparkled robe of his!*
Ventura: You think we'll see Hemme some time here?
Cole: She's always run out before, I fail to see why she wouldn't this time around.
*Bell rings. Shamrock and Saint shake hands, before squaring off. The two wrestlers lock up. Shamrock turns the lockup into an arm wringer. He holds the wringer, before moving back into a hammerlock. Saint bends at the knees several times, trying to adjust leverage, before countering into a hammerlock of his own. He holds it for a few moments, before shifting forward into a side headlock. Shamrock is having none of that, however, and shoves Saint to the ropes. Saint hits the ropes, and comes back, but Shamrock hits him with a shoulder tackle. Shamrock quickly hits the other ropes, and hits Saint with a second shoulder tackle as Saint gets to his feet. Shamrock hits the ropes again, but Saint keeps to the ground this time. Shamrock goes over him, hits the opposite ropes, and Saint catches Shamrock with an armdrag. He holds on, flipping Shamrock over and applying a tight armbar.
Shamrock tries to swing his feet around in order to adjust the leverage, but Saint turns the armbar into a wrist lock. Shamrock sells it, before pushing his legs out to reach for the ropes. Saint pulls off, and gets to his feet, and steps back to give Shamrock a chance to get to his feet. Shamrock is up, and Saint goes for another lockup. Shamrock cuts it off with a kick to the midsection, and follows that up with a hard forearm to the back. Saint falls to a knee, and Shamrock picks him up. Saint counters, however, by grabbing Shamrock's arm and putting him into a top wristlock. From the wristlock he goes into a hammerlock, pulling up and up on Shamrock's arm, making Shamrock stand up on his tippy toes in an attempt to keep the leverage from breaking his arm*
Cole: Some beautiful chain wrestling from Johnny Saint and Ken Shamrock.
Ventura: They are some of the best technical wrestling in professional wrestling, Michael Cole. This should come as no surprise to you.
*Saint turns the hammerlock into an armwringer, which he then uses to flip Shamrock over onto the ground in a modified snap mare. Once Shamrock is on the ground, Saint kneels down and grabs Shamrock's arm again, wrapping it across Shamrock's throat and placing his knee in Shamrock's back. Shamrock looks suitably pained, trying to find ways to work himself back to his feet. He finally muscles upward, flipping Saint over and onto the mat. Shamrock stumbles for a moment, catching his breath, before stepping around and grabbing Saint's leg. He delivers several kicks to the hamstring, before flipping Saint over and slapping on a leglock.*
Ventura: Now that's smart by Shamrock. He's weakening the leg so he can go for that ankle lock of his.
*Saint manages to reach the ropes, but Shamrock yanks him away, tugging on Saint's foot powerfully to do so. Shamrock grabs up Saint's leg, dropping an elbow on the knee joint, before once more locking the leg up. And of course, this would be the time Christy Hemme comes from the back. She runs to ring side, and takes position in Shamrock's corner. Shamrock lets go of Saint's leg in order to yell at her, giving Saint a moment to rest up*
Cole: And here we go again! If Ken Shamrock would just let Christie come out to ringside with him, he wouldnt' have these problems!
Ventura: Would *you* want the crazy woman in *your* corner, Cole?
*As Shamrock turns back to Saint, Saint reaches up and grabs his arm, twisting it around into an akido joint lock. Shamrock sells it, trying to reach the ropes or break the hold, but to no avail. Christie yells at Shamrock to hit a belly to belly, and Shamrock blinks, as if this idea has just occurred to him. He wraps an arm around Saint, and swings him over, hitting the side belly to belly. Saint thuds upon the ground, and Shamrock promptly goes for the leg, slapping on the ankle lock. Saint tries to get to the ropes, but he's in the center of the ring. Finally, he can do nothing but tap out. Victory, Shamrock!*
Cole: Crazy or not, Christie Hemme just helped Shamrock win another match.
Ventura: Only after she almost made him lose it again! I swear, Cole, it's like fixing the mistake she caused somehow makes her a good manager, and that's just not true.
Cole: In any case, let's go to Lauren, who's trying to get a word with our two commissioners about the assault on the Motor City Machine Guns.
*Scene shifts. Lauren is following Gagne and Slaughter, both of whom are dressed for wrestling and heading through the hallways at a quick pace.*
Lauren: Commissioners! Commissioners, what are your words on what happened to the Guns?
Gagne: *Stops just long enough to talk into the microphone.* Well, you know, Slaughter and I are trying to run as clean a show as possible here. And D-X, well, they're just not respecting that. So you keep an eye out, and you'll see what we plan.
*Gagne and Slaughter once more head through the hallways. Lauren blinks, and shrugs*
Lauren: Back to you, Jesse and Michael.
*Scene shift, accounce table*
Cole: Were...they coming out to ring side?
Ventura: And dressed to wrestle, no less!
*The theme song for TCW Explosion begins playing, and out from the back step Verne Gagne and Commissioner Slaughter. They come down to the ring, carrying microphones. Slaughter speaks*
Slaughter: D-X! When I agreed to your contract, you promised me there wouldn't be any situations like last time. Surprise surprise, you wormy little maggots are also liars! So Commissioner Gagne and I were talking, and we came up with an idea. You want to tell them about it, Commissioner?
Gagne: Don't mind if I do. So, picture this. You two are in a tag team match with the Motor City Machine Guns. But that's not all. This match is no disqualifications. Now, just that might be enough to really get things going. But given what went down tonight, we've decided to have a special stipulation. One partner from each team is going to start off handcuffed in their corner. I will be standing outside the ring, holding the keys to the handcuffs. If you can get to me, I will give you the keys, and you can uncuff your partner. Of course, the other team's partner remains handcuffed to their corner. In a no disqualification match. I don't think I have to explain what happens if only one team gets their partner uncuffed. And, should either you *or* the Guns so much as touch one another before Repercussions, you will be released from your contract, and we'll wish you well in future endevors.
Cole: Holy crap, that's quite the stipulation!
Ventura: I don't like it. Gagne could just not give D-X the keys when they come for them. It sounds like something he'd do.
Slaughter: As for tonight, however? Tonight, you're scheduled to have a tag match. So D-X, get your slimey keisters out here right now!
*D-X's entrance music begins to play. It plays until the middle before D-X comes out. They step down the ramp, and into the ring, before talking*
Michaels: Hey look. It's the old fart, and the even older fart.
HHH: Yeah, I remember watching AWA matches when I was like, five!
Michaels: Yeah, what are you gonna do, hit us with your canes?
HHH: Throw metamusal in our eyes?
Michaels: Yell at us to get off your lawn?
*Slaughter and Gagne have clearly had enough. With a concerted motion, they both step closer and hit HHH and Michaels with several forearms to the face. The Ref calls for the bell, and pushes HHH back to his corner. Gagne goes to his corner without any prompting.*
Ventura: They jumped D-X! They attacked without warning, before any bell rang! That oughta be a disqualification!
*Slaughter throws Michaels to the ropes, and runs in for a shoulder tackle. Michaels goes down like a little bitch. Slaughter hits the ropes again, and hits Michaels with another shoulder tackle. Again to the ropes. This time, Michaels hits the ground, and Slaughter goes over. Michaels jumps, Slaughter goes under. Slaughter comes back, and Michaels hits him with a dropkick. Both down, Michaels gets the tag to HHH. HHH comes in, but Slaughter is up. Slaughter grabs him and hits hiim with several knees to the gut before snapmareing him over. Tag to Gagne,
Gagne and Slaughter begin working over HHH, making quick, frequent tags. HHH manages to scout an irish whip, however, and comes back with a rising knee. Slaughter goes down, HHH tries to go for the tag. Slaughter grabs HHH's feet and pulls him away, before sitting back in a boston crab. HHH quickly spins around, throwing Slaughter off. And then he wiggles over for a tag!
Michaels is in, and meets the standing Slaughter with a clothesline. He runs over and smacks Gagne with a forearm, and Gagne falls from the apron. He moves back to the standing Slaughter, grabs him, and delivers an inverted atomic drop. Slaughter sells, and Michaels grabs him and delivers a body slam! He points to the corner, and then moves up the turnbuckle. Jump, and, FLYING ELBOW DROP! He goes for the pin. 1-2, Gagne is in and drops a forearm on Michaels. HHH comes running at Gagne, taking Gagne over the top rope. Michaels heads to the corner. Stomp...stomp...stomp....slaughter is up...stomp stomp stomp SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Slaughter ducks it, and as Michaels turns around, he grabs Michaels by the hair and shoves him down to the mat. Slaughter then squats down,g rabbing Michael's arm and putting him into the Cobra Clutch! He screams in pain and begins tapping, and the Ref calls it! Victory, Slaughter and Gagne!*
Cole: An impressive match from our two commissioners!
Ventura: They cheated! Did you see Gagne come in and save the pin for Slaughter?! That shoulda been a disqualification!
Cole: You may feel that way, Jesse, but the referee thought otherwise! And right now...*a pause* Right now there's a disturbance in the back! Can we get a camera back there?!
*Scene shift. Back stage, Awesome Kong is throwing equipment and ladders and tables and whatever else she can get her hands on all over the place. Kong is quite clearly livid. Security is trying to calm her down, but they get thrown against walls. Lauren stands back and away, flinching and wincing every time something gets thrown*
Lauren: IT's's like Armageddon back here, guys! Apparently Raisha Saeed, Awesome Kong's long time friend and manager, was kidnapped from her dressing room earlier in the show, and Kong is tearing the place apart!
*More security comes out, and Kong throws them all about. The last security person Kong grabs in a double handed choke, and raises him in the air, clearly about to put him through a nearby table. Mr. Perfect comes running from off screen*
Perfect: Kong! Kong, come on! You've...*he's clearly reacting right now, and trying to come up with something to calm her down on the spur of the moment* You've got a match coming up next! You get suspended because you put that guy through a table, you can't fight me for the single's title!
*Kong looks at Perfect, clearly pondering if putting the security guard through the table is worth losing out on a shot at the title. She finally drops the man, and storms off. Perfect breaths a heavy sigh of relief.*
Lauren: Mister Perfect, that was a *brilliant* idea to calm her down!
Perfect: *Looking a touch nervous* Not so brilliant...I've got a match with her next. *Perfect walks off*
Lauren: We've got a commercial break coming up, but when we come back, the Singles Division Title match between Awesome Kong and the hometown Champion, Mister Perfect Curt Hennig. Stay tuned!
*As we come back to the show, the bell rings and the ring announcer announces Awesome Kong. Kong comes down to the ring, looking livid, occasionally making threatening gestures at the fans*
Cole: Awesome Kong is frusterated, angry at the possible kidnapping of her long time friend and manager, Riesha Saaed. Do you think that's going to come into play tonight, Jesse?
Ventura: Angry? Look at her, Cole! She's so pissed off she can't see straight! She's gonna rip Perfect apart!
*The announcer announces Perfect, and he comes down to the ring, belt on his shoulder, occasionally slapping hands with the fans. He looks resigned, as if he doesn't want to be doing this match right now. He slides into the ring, raising the belt up for a crowd pop*
Cole: Do you think Perfect can pull off a win here, though?
Ventura: You know, Cole, I gotta say that the only way Hennig can pull this off is to goad Kong into disqualifying herself. She's so angry it shouldn't be easy, and he'll get to keep the title. It's not a clean win, but when you're facing down a pissed off monster like Kong, you have to do what you have to do.
*Perfect and Kong face each other, Kong still shuddering with barely repressed rage. Before the Ref can call for the bell, however, Ziggler's music plays*
Cole: Dolph Ziggler?! What's he doing coming out to the ring?!
*Ziggler comes out, dragging a kicking and screaming Raisha Saaed with him in one hand, a microphone and a sledge hammer in the other. Kong looks ready to rush the ramp, but the Ref stops her. Ziggler shoves Saaed down, and presses the sledgehammer to her throat before yelling into the microphone*
Ziggler: PERFECT! *my* title! Either this becomes a three way match right now...or I crush her neck!
Cole: Dear Lord! What does Ziggler hope to accomplish with this!?
Ventura: He wants to get his title, Cole! Can't say it's too smart to antagonize a monster like Kong, but you gotta respect the gumption he's going at this with!
Cole: Well, Kong doesn't look like she cares one way or another who she has to destroy to get that title!
*Pefect looks to Kong, who is busy looking like she's about to shove the Ref aside to run at Ziggler. The Ref looks like he's doing all he can to keep Kong from running out to destroy Ziggler. Perfect shrugs at the Ref, and the Ref nods and makes a motion to the ring announcer*
Announcer: On the acceptance of the current Singles Division Champion, this match has now become a three way dance!
Cole: Of all the low down...
Ventura: You gotta give Ziggler credit though, Cole. He got what he wanted. A shot at that title!
*The bell rings, and Kong promptly gets out of the ring. She runs up the ramp, just as Ziggler is trying to get himself situated, and plows full bore into Ziggler. She falls on top of him, raining punches down on his face as he tries to cover himself with his arms. Kong beats on Ziggler for several moments before standing up and screaming at the crowd. Saeed is up by now, and begins stomping on Ziggler*
Cole: Saeed getting her some, too!
Ventura: And look at Perfect, just standing back in the ring! That's smart and dumb at the same time, because he can just let Kong and Ziggler wear each other out, but he doesn't have to be pinned to lose that title of his!
*The Ref runs out of th ering, in an attempt to get Kong reigned in, while Kong sets a heavy foot on Ziggler's chest. She motions at the Ref to count, but the Ref shakes his head and points to the ring. Kong picks up Ziggler by the hair, and drags him towards the ring. She rolls him in, climbs in after him, and gives Perfect a look. Perfect raises his hands to give every indication that he's staying out of it. Kong nods, stomps on Ziggler for good measure, and then stands over him, slapping her backside. She pauses for crowd effect, and then drops down hard!*
Cole: Vintage Kong! She's just going to squash him flat!
*Ziggler scuttles out of the way at th elast second, leaving Kong stunned. He tries to move over to the ropes to get a rest, but Perfect moves in. He lays several heavy forearms onto Ziggler's back, before setting him up and hitting a suplex. He floats over for the cover. 1-2, kickout! Kong is up now, and as Perfect stands up, Kong shoves him aside in order to lay several more stomps into Ziggler's hide. She then picks Ziggler up, and Perfect moves in to help with the double team. Double irish whip, and as Ziggler comes back off the ropes, Kong whips Perfect at him. Perfect hits a shoulder tackle and steps away as Kong steps in for a big leg drop. She rolls around for the pin. 1-2, Perfect shoves her off!*
Ventura: Oh man. Here's where it starts falling apart!
*Kong stands up, staring daggers at Perfect. Perfect gestures at his waist, telling her something about his title. Kong is having none of that. She hits Perfect with a knife edged chop. And another one. And a rapid series of them, shoving him back to the ropes. She whips him to the other side, and as Perfect comes back, she simply stands in his way. He hits her full force and falls back, hitting the ground hard. Kong stands by, letting Perfect get to his feet, before spinning around and hitting him with a powerful spinning backfist. Perfect drops, and Kong goes for the pin. 1-2, Ziggler scuttles from where he was laying and drops a forearm on Kong.
Kong stands to her feet, eyes wide with rage. Ziggler scuttles out of the ring as Kong makes a grab for him. Once he's clearly out of reach, she turns back to Perfect, picking him up by the hair. She sets him up for the Awesome Bomb, and hefts him upwards. As he sits on her shoulder, Ziggler comes back into the ring, chop blocking her knee. She falls back, and Perfect quickly grabs a leg for a pin. Kickout at one, Kong sends him flying. He gets to his feet as Kong stands up, and delivers a hard kick to the back of her knee. She stumbles, and he delivers another one, followed by a third. She drops to one knee, and he quickly moves to try to suplex her. She's having none of that, however, and is clearly too much for him to lift yet.
Ziggler scrambles back into the ring, moving to the other side of Kong and grabbing her as well. Together, the two double suplex Kong. She goes over hard, and Ziggler stands to his feet and raises his arms to the crowd. Perfect stands as well, stalking Ziggler. Perfect waits until Ziggler has turned around, smiles brightly at him, and delivers a stiff kick to the mid-section. He's stunned, and Perfect locks up for the Perfect Plex. He pulls Ziggler over, and hits it! 1-2, Kong is up and delivers a kick to Perfect, knocking him out of the pin. She grabs Perfect, sets him up for another Awesome Bomb, and this time she lifts him up and hits it hard!
Ziggler comes to enough to realize where he is, and notices Saeed out at ringside. He gestures at her, clearly antagonizing her, and when she steps over to yell at him he grabs her mask. Her screams and yells reach Kong's ears just as she moves for a pin on Perfect. Kong gets up, quickly moving towards Ziggler, and Ziggler moves swiftly. He yanks down the top rope, making Kong tumble over it, and then scrambles over to Perfect as Perfect gets to his feet. He jumps up, and hits his Zig Zag! Pin, 1-2-3! Victory for Ziggler! He scrambles out of the ring, stumbling back and away quickly. The ref grabs the belt and follows Ziggler, handing it to him. Ziggler hugs it tightly, before holding it up for the crowd to see*
Cole: Oh my! Ziggler pulled off the victory! Dolph Ziggler is the new Singles division Champion!
Ventura: I knew it, Cole! I knew Ziggler was gonna win tonight! He's got the skills, he's got the talent, and he's got the determination!
Cole: What is the landscape of TCW going to look like with a brand new Singles division champion leading into Repercussions?!
Ventura: Nothing but good, Michael Cole, because now a *true* champion holds the Singles title! Now all we need is to ge4t Edge and Christian wearing the tag gold, and we'll have *real* champions in all three divisions!
Cole: Let's see if Lauren backstage can get an interview with our new champion!
*Scene shift. Lauren has caught up with Ziggler, who's still clutching the belt in a loving embrace*
Lauren: Dolph Ziggler, you just...
Ziggler: *Grabs the microphone* I knew it! I knew that if I had a *real* chance at the title, I'd win it! Perfect kept trying to stall me! He kept trying to stall me with No-DQ matches with that monster out there, or submission matches with Johnny freaking Saint, but he wouldn't just *face* me! I knew when I fought him for the title, I'd come out the winner! Once again, I've proven that I. Am. PERFECTION!
Lauren: But aren't you at least a *little* ashamed at how you got your title shot?
Ziggler: Hey, sometimes you have to go overboard to get what you want. I'm sorry Saeed had to get involved, but she's a manager. She knows how it works. *He shoves the microphone at Lauren, and then heads off, still cheering to himself*
Lauren: Well, you heard it here first. We've got another commercial break, and then we'll be back.
*Show returns on Edge and Christian coming down to the ring, carrying a big bag of RisenChrist candies with them. They slide into the ring, and grab a microphone*
Cole: What are Edge and Christian doing now?
Ventura: Hey, they're the rightful number one contenders. They should be able to come and demand a match, just like last week!
Edge: Greetings to our fans in...crap, we're still in Minneapolis, aren't we?
Christian: Yeah, you can tell because it's so cold you need to be, like, a moose to survive. Or a gopher.
Edge: Oh, please. When it really counts, gophers never survive. *Crowd boos at the jab* . Anyway, we've come down for two reasons. One, we demand our tag team title match! We won the right to it, we should have it! And the second reason, of course, is because we just got this big bag of RisenChrist candy and we wanted to let you see how tasty it is!
Christian: Hey, is that the candy with the crunchy, Christ filled center?
Edge: You bet it is, Christian! Here! Try the Lord today! *He pulls a candy out of the bag, and hands it to Christian. Christian unwraps it and pops it into his mouth*
Cole: Ok guys, we get it. You're goofing off again and taking up show time.
Ventura: Let the number one contenders speak, Cole!
Edge: Anyway, Beer Money, you've been stalling us and stalling us! Why is it so hard to give us our title shot?!
*Beer Money's music begins playing, and Beer Money come out. Storm still has a brace on his neck, but Roode is clearly dressed to wrestle. Belts are around their waists, and Storm is drinking a beer. Roode has a microphone in his hand*
Roode: Look, guys. My partner's still not cleared to wrestle. I mean, it's *hardly* our fault that you gave him such a powerful conchairto. Especially since that *wasn't* a no-DQ match.
Edge: *Looks rather annoyed as he takes off his sunglasses. Christian is busy popping another RisenChrist candy into his mouth* Hey! We have a right to our match! I mean, seriously, how many times are we going to have this same talk? It reeks of...of...stupiduity!
Christian: Yeah, and suckitude!
Edge: And hateosity!
Roode: Now hold up. Hold up. Just like last week, we're not going to leave you hanging. We know you're fighting number one contenders, and we want to give you a match tonight...
Edge: With you guys! Now some washed up old has-beens not even on contract here!
Roode: Yes, with us. Well, with me. My partner still isn't cleared to wrestle, so it'll be a non-title match. But I'll totally wrestle one of you.
*Edge and Christian look rather unhappy about that, and turn to each other. They discuss for a few moments, before Edge looks back at Roode*
Edge: When is the Cowgirl over there going to be cleared for wrestling?
Roode: *Storm looks annoyed by the insult. Roode, pats him on the shoulder to calm him down before talking again* Next week. Next week, you two get a match with the two of us. But for tonight? Tonight, one of you will just have to wrestle me, one on one.
*Edge and Christian go back to discussing, and then play rock paper scissors. Edge loses, and shrugs, heading out of the ring. Christian points at Roode, and then points into the ring, indicating that he's ready. Roode and Storm head down to the ring, and Roode climbs in. Storm stays at ringside, as does Edge.
The ref rings the bell, and Roode and Christian square off for a moment before they lock up. The two attempt to muscle each other around, with Roode finally getting the upper hand and pushing Christian into the corner. Ref calls for the break, Roode breaks and begins backing out. Christian thumbs him in the eye. The Ref admonishes Christian while Storm yells about the cheating, but Christian got his advantage. He steps towards Roode, peppering him with several forearms before grabbing his head and slamming it against the corner turnbuckle.
Christian proceeds to work Roode over for several moves before Roode counters a hip toss, reversing it into a hiptoss of his own. He takes a moment to rest, before moving to pick Christian up. Christian breaks away, hits Roode with a forearm, and goes back to working over Roode. He peppers Roode with forearms and kicks in the corner, before whipping Roode to the other corner. Roode reverses, throwing Christian into the corner and following it up with a heavy clothesline. He then hits a hiptoss out of the corner, before moving to drop an elbow. Christian rolls out of the way, and Roode hits the mat hard. Christian goes for the pin. 1-2, kickout! Christian moves to pick Roode up, but Roode returns with a throat thrust. Christian stumbles back, and Roode leaps to his feet, delivering one more heavy clothesline before dropping himself. *
Cole: Oh my! Vintage Roode with that massive, massive clothesline!
Ventura: Yeah, but how much could Roode have left in the tank after everything Christian put him through?!
*The ref starts the 10 count, getting to 5 before both men start standing. Christian goes to swing a punch, but Roode blocks it and hits a forearm. Christian goes for another punch, and Roode blocks it and hits another forearm of his own, before following up with two more forearms. He then delivers a stiff kick tot he midsection, grabs Christian in a front face lock, and swings him over for a suplex before bending at the waist. Storm on the outside bends over as well, before standing up and lifting his arms! BEER! Roode follows suit, MONEY! Crowd pop!
Roode picks up Christian, and sends him to the rope. Christian comes back, ducks a clothesline, and grabs Roode in a reverse falling DDT. Pin, 1-2, kickout! Christian stands and picks up Roode. He spins Roode around, setting him up for the Unprettier, but Roode shoves him away before charging in and delivering the Northern Clothesline. Rolls him over, pin, 1-2, kickout!
Edge, meanwhile, moves to the side of the ring and begins yelling at the Ref. The Ref turns to tell Edge to quiet down, at which point Storm, beer bottle in hand, moves towards Edge. Edge turns toyell something at Storm, but Storm is having none of that. He swings the beer bottle against Edge's head, and Edge drops. Christian takes notice of this, and moves to help his partner. Christian pushes the Ref aside, and leans over the ropes to yell, at which point Storm takes a swig of his beer and spits it into Christian's face. Christian stumbles back, turning around and attempting to wipe out his eyes, when Roode closes in. He delivers a stiff kick to the gut, locks up, and hits the Payoff! Ref goes down to count 1-2-3, victory for Roode!*
Cole: Vintage Beer Money!
Ventura: That was cheating! That was blatant cheating on Beer Money's part! That beer was a foreign object, and Roode oughta be disqualified!
Cole: The ref didn't see it after being violently shoved aside by Christian. He cost himself the match! Anyway, let's go to the back with Lauren, who's standing by with Lynn, Cannon, and Referee Shane Sewell.
*Scene change. Backstage, Lynn, Cannon, and Sewell ready to wrestle. Sewell is wearing a Minnesota Vikings jersey*
Lauren: I'm here with former Gimmick Division champion Jerry Lynn, who's going to battle tonight in a six man tag match against current champion and his opponent for Repercussions, Shane McMahon. Jerry, any words going into this match?
Lynn: McMahon comes in here, throws his money around as if it means something, uses big, musclebound idiots to get what he wants, and tells the fans what they want to see instead of listening to what they say. In other words, he's a McMahon. But you know what, McMahon? I'm Jerry F***ing Lynn! So you bring all the little helpers you need. You bring your big celtic warrior. You bring your little midget from under the ring. I'm gonna be bringing one of the best names in this business *he points to Cannon* and a referee you pissed off so much he's gonna be punching you in the face until you shut that damn trap of yours!
*From off screen come Mcmahon, Horace, and Seamus. They each attack Cannon, Sewell, and Lynn, punching and kicking them off camera and towards the ring. Lauren shrieks and gets the hell out of dodge, and even the cameraman is knocked over! Scene shift to the announce team*
Cole: OH MY! McMahon and his team just attacked Lynn and his team!
Ventura: And they're coming to ringside, Cole!
*The group stumbles out of the back into the arena, Team McMahon clearly having the upper hand. Horace takes Cannon by the head and quickly runs him to ringside, slamming his head against the steel stairs before continuing to work him over with punches and kicks. McMahon is busy trading punches with Lynn. The Referee in the ring is already calling for the bell.
Sewell and Seamus likewise trade punches, but Sewell seems to get the better of Seamus. He delivers a punch, followed by another and a third, before roaring for the crowd and delivering a discus punch. Seamus stumbles back, and returns with a bicycle kick, straight to Sewell's face. Sewell goes down, and Seamus places a foot on Sewell's chest and raises his arms into the air. From the back, however, comes Rhino and Roxxi!
Rhino hits a Gore on Seamus, knocking him away. McMahon turns, staring at this with wide eyes, as Roxxi throws a kendo stick to Lynn. Lynn grabs it in mid-air and swings it hard against Shane's head. Shane goes down. Horace, seeing Shane and Seamus down, runs towards Lynn. Lynn meets him with a kendo stick to the gut, before dropping the stick and setting Horace up for a cradle piledriver. He picks up Horace, locks it up, and drives him right down onto the steel ramp!*
Cole: Vintage Jerry Lynn! He must have asked Rhino for help before the match! That was smart, he *knew* McMahon would be trying something dirty!
Ventura: Doesn't matter, Cole, this was ruledc a no contest! It's not gonna go down on the books as a loss for McMahon! McMahon is still undefeated against Lynn, and it's gonna stay that way!
*Final shot of the night is Lynn, Rhino, Roxxi, Cannon, and Sewell, hands held, arm raised up over the fallen Seamus, Horace, and McMahon*