bored *le sigh*

Aug 06, 2004 01:51

I start school in 5 more weeks.... and my summer is sucking muchly.... I need another vacation dammit >_<

1.) Name: Amy
2.) Single or Taken: Single, but I want to be taken XD
3.) Sex: Female... a bit tomboyish
4.) Birthday: 12/21/85
5.) Sign: Sagittarius
6.) Siblings-youngest to oldest: Brad, Julie
7.) Hair Color: Brown, but dyed red
8.) Eye Color: Blue
9.) Shoe Size: 9
10.) Height: 5'3"

*~ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ~*
11.) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no..-_-

*~ F a s h i o n S t u f f ~*
12.) Favorite place to shop?: err.. the mall?
13.) Any tattoos or piercings?: nope, but I want a bitten peach tattoo on my upper thigh... hey, it would remind me of my fav. movie labyrinth!

*~ T h e E x t r a S t u f f ~*
14.) Do you do drugs?: when I'm ill, you know, prescription drugs from the doctor.. *rolls eyes*
15.) What car do you wish you had?: a small, fast, and shiny one *_*
16.) Who is the last person that you called?: People call me, not the other way around
17.) Where do you want your wedding?: Wherever's the cheapest b/c I want to spend all my money on anime/cds/dvds/food/etc.
18.) How many messenger buddies do you have online right now?: I don't do instant messaging... yes, I'm anti-social even online

*~ F a v o r i t e s ~*
19.) Color: Green
20.) What's your favorite food?: Peaches
21.) Guy name: Alec
22.) Girl name: Ellena, Emma
23.) Subjects in school: Art, History, Psychology
24.) Animal: Cat (snow leopard)

~ H a v e Y o u E v e r ~
25.) Given anyone a bath: Yes, a younger sibling
26.) Smoked: No
27.) Bungee jumped: ahah... *is terrified of heights*
28.) Broke the law: probably
29.) Gone skinny-dipping: only in a bathtub
30.) Got into trouble: Yep.

*~ F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s To M i n d~*
31.) Red: Blood
32.) Cow: Milk
33.) Socks: Toe Socks
34.) Greenland: Icebergs

~ F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s ~*
35.) Do you like filling these out: Yeah
36.) How many people are you sending this: none
37.) Who will send this back: ?
38.) What was the last film you saw in the Cineman? The Village, and it sucked...
39.) What was the last film you rented: Hellboy
40.) What do you have for breakfast in the mornings: waffels or strawberry frosted poptarts
41.) Who would you hate being locked in a room with: Ashley
42.) Who would you like to be locked in a room with: ....maybe Mary? *I can't believe I just typed that...*
43.) What did you do last night: watched TV and crap

-----HAVE YOU-----
44.) Ever been so drunk that you've blacked out?: alchohol is BAD
45.) Fallen fast asleep quite rapidly?: No, usually takes an hour.
46.) Put a body part on fire for amusement?: No... O_o;
47.) Kept a secret from everyone?: Yes
48.) Had an imaginary friend?: No, I enjoyed being by mysef, even when I was a small child...
49.) Wanted to hook up with a friend?: Yes
50.) Had a crush on a teacher?: yeah... I had this science teacher who look a lot like david bowie... and his hair was blond....and he had mismatched eyes.... *_*
51.) Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Many times

54.) Shampoo: Whatever doesn't cause my head to flake or itch or break out
55.) Soap: Dove
56.) Day/Night: Late Night
57.) Lace or satin: silk....
58.) Fave cartoon: Utena... or Abenobashi
59.) Fave Food: I already answered this
60.) Fave Advertisement: Ebay commercials
61.) Fave Ice Cream: Butterbecan
62.) Wearing: green tee, grey pj pants, white socks
63.) Eating: poptart
64.) Drinking: Skim Milk... yum
65.) Thinkin bout: searching for more hentai and yaoi doujinishi online...>_>;
66.) Listening to: nothing
67.) Talking 2: no one

68.) Yourself: sometimes
69.) Your friends: Mostly, depeneds which one your talking about
70.) Santa Clause: he was a priest in ancient Romania... it's true, that's where the myth came from...
71.) Tooth Fairy: Sure, as long as I'm getting some money it couldn't hurt... -_-
72.) Destiny/Fate: sometimes
73.) Angels: no, but I believe in spirits...
74.) Like anyone?: .... *puts hand over mouth*
75.) Who have u known the longest of your friends?: Marquita
76.) Who's the weirdest: Ashley
77.) Who do you go to for advice: Mary, Karen, Amanda
78.) Who do you cry to?: I cry in front of no one... except when I have my occassional emational breakdown...
79.) When do you cry the most?: when I lose something very important to me
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