Stolen from
xx_akabachi_xx .
1. List your top seven ships
2. Put all of them in order of your love for them; 7 to 1, 1 being your favorite. Shut up. Not happening.
3. Name their fandom.
4. Supply photos for said people.
5. Tag seven people I REFUSE. So stupid.
Ship: Peter/Claire (Paire)
Fandom: Heroes
Ship: Tatsuki/Orihime
Fandom: Bleach
I hate the fact that this ship gets pushed to the side >.> I haven't watched Bleach in awhile. I need to get caught up. Maybe they've kissed or something since I watched it, but seriously? It's one of the less-shipped... ships, to the extent of my knowledge.
Ship: Yoruichi/Soi Fong
Fandom: Bleach
Another lesser-shipped one that deserves so much more. I love these two, and this picture quite literally almost made me melt from sexy.
Ship: Zuko/Katara (Zutara)
Fandom: Avatar
One of my favorite Zutara pictures. Ever.
Ship: Sokka/Suki (Sukka? Sokki?)
Fandom: Avatar
Ship: Marco/Rachel
Fandom: Animorphs
Ship: Tobias/Rachel
Fandom: Animorphs