Sorry this took me so long to get to - I promised it the next day, but a lot was going on. Then we had
the 3rd worst blizzard in Chicago history.....
This is continued from my post of the
Foreign Language Films I've watched in 2010. These are kind of listed in the order I watched them. Have you seen any? Or can you recommend me any based on my list?
31 movies and my reactions to them under the cut )
Comments 6
And oddly we watched Princess Bride, which I liked expect for the princess's hugely passive character.
If you get a chance to see Winter's Bone I'd recommend it. That's my pic of movie for the year.
As for Sassy Girl, the girl in the Korean version was kind of nuts. Still, I liked that version more then the American version because some parts of it made more sense. Theres a part with a soldier that makes sense in Korea (because every male has to be in the military for a set amount of time unlike in the US). Strange thing though, I've only seen 2 Korean movies and in both of them the girl was pretty much crazy. The other was The Many Faces Of My Girlfriend. Not to mention that I lived with two Korean internationl students who both had their share of outbursts lol. Still, My Sassy Girl is just a romantic comedy when it comes down to it. It fulfills its purpose. :)
I'll try to look for some more cheapo Korean DVDs.
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