1. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. LOVE IT. Oh, Statham. How you entertain me. As Patton Oswalt once said, the man doesn't make mind-altering films of social change but he DOES make films that are damn entertaining [paraphrased liek whoa].
2. BEN FREAKING FOSTER, YOU CONTINUE TO PLEASE ME. Every damn movie this kid is in, no matter how great or crappy, he manages to be completely awesome. And somewhat compelling/creepy.
3. If this EXACT film were made but with Ben Foster's character as a woman and not a man (a.k.a. "Stephanie" instead of "Stephen") then a) the hooker character would not exist and b) Foster & Statham's characters would've had the sexy tiemz at some point instead of Statham & the hooker...even with the same ending.
Conclusions? Loved it but feel sadly deprived of Statham/Foster sexy tiemz. I'm not even all hot & bothered over either of them, generally, but this movie just SCREAMED for this to happen and I'm sorely bummed that it did not. Like I said, had Ben been a chick, sex would have happened.
Addendum: Don't let me mislead you. There is still actual gayness + hoyay in the film. Just not the sexy tiemz that should've been imminent.
(I will go back to not spelling like a dork now.)