May 14, 2009 23:02
- 11:05 In weeklong training with instructor who won't give breaks for 5 hours. Then gets pissed when we leave to pee. Revolt ensuing. #
- 19:45 @ callista I'm right there with ya. I've cut open bodies, can deal with pools of blood, but baby vomit and poop? *gag* #
- 20:01 O. M. G. Admiral Helena Cain was Ensign Ro Laren!!!! #
- 20:02 @ SomataWichu Nice. #
( Read more... )
May 11, 2009 23:01
- 13:45 @ rainnwilson Loved you in GQ, even if it was 20 scnds. When I first saw "the Office", I was like, "Hey, that's the guy from Galaxy Quest!". #
- 13:53 Was not expecting wedding gifts. Got two this weekend! Both for cooking! Happy Apey! #
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May 09, 2009 23:01
- 01:02 Caught intestinal virus that crippled Paul. Countdown 22 days. This better clear up asap, instead of "Bridezilla" I'll end up "Bride-illa". #
- 09:58 @ Ginimon Dont eat chocolate to stop smoking! That's how you gain weight! Seriously, try some gum instead, it can actually help. #
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May 07, 2009 23:02
- 19:30 @ rainnwilson #badrestaurantnames Club Baby Seals, a restaurant/bar. You can serve Luftwaffles! #
- 19:34 @ nerdist Sorry, can't watch AOTS. ST:TNG episode "Birthright" playing on SciFi. Mmmmm, young Noonian Soong.... #
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May 04, 2009 23:02
- 11:54 Our deck is full of giant bumblebees. I think I've been elected their leader. #
- 21:13 Two very overplayed episodes of ST:TNG on tonite. Dammit. Instead, watching scientists theorize the Armageddon, with glee on their faces. #
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May 01, 2009 23:02
- 15:52 CAT scan reveals Paul's appendix ripe & ready to pop. Doc scrambling to get surgical consult. Meanwhile, Paul freaking. Days to wedding=29! #
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Apr 30, 2009 23:01
- 10:21 Mom referred to my uterus as a "reproductive appliance". That's awesome; makes it sound like a toaster. "I got 5 uteruses as wedding gifts." #
- 14:15 Due to company reorg, I'm either getting promoted or demoted. Not sure which yet. As long as I'm still employed, should count myself lucky. #
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Apr 29, 2009 23:02
- 10:12 UTERUS!!!! #
- 14:29 APL--Angry Programming Language:
If You suck Then
Go to hell and die
Bite me
End If #
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