Title: At a Time like This
Rating: T
Genre: Angst (?)
Characters/Pairings: China
Media: Photoshop CS3
Notes: There's some blood. Um, please tell me if this should be rated mature. I'm not sure since I never drew this kind of pic before. @_@
I'm-m not being mean to my country. I love my country, don't get me wrong. xD This doesn't really reference anything specific, just during all the wars in general I suppose. I wanted to draw serious China for awhile, and by that I mean with blood and stuff. Since this prompt came up it motivated me to get to it. xD I just realized doing these prompts is good, makes me draw more stuff without lazying off. ^^; This was my first time painting blood, and it was actually fun. o_O I hope that didn't sound mad.....I just started off painting blood but I realized I was missing another element. Dirt. Cause war makes everyone dirty...with how they don't shower much and fight in whatever situation they come across. Although I noticed maybe his hair is abit toooo neat....well, it doesn't have a shine cause I was trying to make it look dirty but I guess that kinda failed.
Yeah anyways, I tried to make China looking bad@ss but I failed again. At least he looks like a guy eh? ^^;;;; Uh, I hope this picture doesn't scare off anyone. >_> Thanks for looking! :'D
Link to DA.