Fanart: Festa Del Tricolore

Jan 07, 2010 23:47

Title: "Festa Del Tricolore"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: Yes, I fail at coloring fanarts.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: Young Veneziano holding the Italian flag.

Extra note:
For who's interested to know...


  • Tricolore= 'tricolour'. Another way to call the italian flag.
  • I draw only young Veneziano and not Romano because the 'Tricolore' had birth in north Italy in 1797 when many small republics of Jacobin inspiration used flags characterised by three bands of equal size, clearly inspired by the French model.
  • The colours chosen by the Republic were red and white, the colours of the flag of Milan (red and white) and green, which was the colour of the uniform of the Milanese civic guard.
  • The first official tricolore was adopted on 7 January 1797, in Reggio Emilia by the Cispadane Republic on the proposal of deputy Giuseppe Compagnoni and didn't look like the actual one because the bands were orizontal and not vertical.
  • The Cispadane Republic merged with the Transpadane Republic (which had been using a vertical Italian tricolour from 1796) into the Cisalpine Republic who adopted the vertical square tricolour without badge in 1798.
  • Later, during the Risorgimento, the Tricolore became the symbol which united all the efforts of the Italian people towards freedom and independence.
  • In 1848 Francesco Dall'Ongaro wrote the patriottic song 'La bandiera tricolore' in honor of the Tricolore.
  • The 'Festa del Tricolore', officially 'Giornata Nazionale della Bandiera' (Flag National Day), is a national day to celebrate the Italian flag. It's celebrated on January the 7th, mainly in Reggio Emilia.
  • The 'Festa del Tricolore' had birth on December the 31st, 1996.
  • What's done to celebrate you wonder?
    During the festival at the Palazzo del Quirinale runs the Changing of the Guard in solemn form, with the Corazzieri in gala uniform (this is done only in another day, June the 2nd, 'Festa della Repubblica' (Republic Day)).
    In Reggio Emilia is celebrated with a visit to one of the highest offices of the Italian Republic (the Head of State or the President of one of the rooms), which reviews a selection of the armed forces and holds his own official speech.
    The Italian flag is exposed at all public offices and institutions (as in other solemn dates).
  • The text around the picture are poetries inspired to the Italian flag. In poetries there are assorted interpretations about what the three colors represents.
  • As of now the official colors for the Italian flag are Fern Green, Bright White and Flame Scarlet.

    1. «Su i limiti schiusi, su i troni distrutti
      piantiamo i comuni tre nostri color!
      Il verde la speme tant'anni pasciuta,
      il rosso la gioia d'averla compiuta,
      il bianco la fede fraterna d'amor.»

      "On the limits hatched, on the thrones destroyed
      let's plant our shared three colors!
      The green is the hope fed for so many years,
      red the joy of having fulfilled it,
      white the brotherly faith of love."
      (Giovanni Berchet, 'All'armi all'armi!', 1831)

    2. «Il bianco l'é la fé che ci incatena
      il rosso l'allegria dei nostri cuori
      ci metterò una foglia di verbena
      ch'io stesso alimentai di freschi umori.»

      "The white is the faith that binds us
      the red the joy of our hearts
      I'll add a leaf of verbena
      I myself fed with fresh moods(1)."
      (Francesco Dall'Ongaro, 'Il Brigidino' (In honor of the Italian tricolor), 1847)

    3. «Noi pure l'abbiamo la nostra bandiera
      non più come un giorno sì gialla, sì nera(2);
      sul candido lino del nostro stendardo
      ondeggia una verde ghirlanda d'allor:
      de' nostri tiranni nel sangue codardo
      è tinta la zona del terzo color.»

      "We too have it, our flag,
      not as before so yellow and so black;
      on the white linen of our flag
      waves a green laurel wreath:
      in our tyrants' coward blood
      is dyed the area of the third color."
      (Arnaldo Fusinato, 'Il Canto degli Insorti', April 1848)

    4. «Se una rosa vermiglio o un gelsomino
      a una foglia d'allor metti vicino
      i tre colori avrai più cari e belli
      a noi che in quei ci conosciam fratelli
      i tre colori avrai che fremer fanno
      chi ancor s'ostina ad essere tiranno.»

      "If a red rose or a jasmine
      you place near to a laurel leaf
      you will have the most dear and beautiful three colors
      for us that in them recognizes us as brothers
      you will have the three colors that make trembling
      the ones who still persists to be a tyrant."
      (Domenico Carbone, 'Sono Italiano', 1848)

    5. «I tre colori della tua bandiera non son tre regni ma l'Italia intera:
      il bianco l'Alpi,
      il rosso i due vulcani,
      il verde l'erba dei lombardi piani. »

      "The three colors of your flag aren't three kingdoms, but the whole Italy:
      the white is the Alps
      the red the two volcanoes
      the green the grass of the Lombard plans."
      (Francesco Dall'Ongaro, 'Garibaldi in Sicilia', May 1860)

    6. «E subito il popolo cantò alla sua bandiera ch'ella era la più bella di tutte e che sempre voleva lei e con lei la libertà!»

      "And then the people sang to their flag that it was the most beautiful of all and that they always wanted it and, with it, the freedom!"
      (Giosuè Carducci, Speech delivered to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the 1st Tricolore, Reggio Emilia, 7 January 1897)

    7. «Il bianco mostra ch'ella è santa e pura
      il rosso che col sangue è a pugnar presta
      e quell'altro color che vi si innesta
      che mai mancò la speme alla sventura.»

      "The white shows that it is holy and pure
      the red that it's ready to face bloody fights
      and that other color that is grafted
      that never the hope failed to misfortune."
      (Giovan Battista Niccolini)

    1. 'Umori' might means moods but also fluids. Consider it kind of a word-play.
    2. The yellow and black flag was the Austrian flag. This was written in 1848 when Milan and Venice revolted and managed to chase the Austrians away.
  • chara: italy (north) veneziano, time: 1797, time: 2010, fanart

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