May 02, 2010 04:43

Title: Office Matters.
Artist: SabreCyberTooth.
Prompt: Belgium goes on a (diplomatic) mission to convince Ukraine to better her LGBT laws. Office smex.
Pairing: Belgium/Ukraine.
Rating/Warnings: R, no nudity, but it's pretty obvious what they are doing.

Just to make things even more annoying (since lj doesn't seem to like Riff files and compresses them in all the wrong ways, or maybe I'm just too big a newb), you can click on the image above, then click it again, and only then see it in all its right-sized and terrifying glory.

So, hope this is what the requester had in mind. The ugly colours could be blamed on offices being oddly designed as a rule of thumb. It's not just a convenient excuse, really. And the lack of shadows? Believe you me, you are better off not seeing my shading.

And if anyone wants to know, pillow desk talk afterward includes Belgium saying "So you don't really want to deprive your people of doing this!"

recipient: spookehmicrobat, fill: art, filler: sabrecybertooth, pairing: belgium/ukraine, round: spring 2010, rating: r

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