part 34 will never let you fall

Aug 02, 2009 22:08

Okay! Well. The "new" code isn't perfect, but I guess we'll just have to deal. I'm trying to find other solutions, but so far nothing quite works out well enough. We'll see!

Anyway, please enjoy part 34! :)


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anonymous August 5 2009, 02:02:00 UTC
*pointing machine gun at you*
Where are you going, China's wife?


recaptcha: The lovings. wtfffff formosaplum August 5 2009, 03:18:53 UTC
They pointed a gun at Sister Vietnam, threatened her, and called me a hussy for not agreeing with them!


Re: recaptcha: The lovings. wtfffff anonymous August 5 2009, 03:27:08 UTC
It's not true, Hong Kong! I was just minded my own buisiness when she told her tiger to eat me! Please save me, Mr. handsome harbour!


Re: recaptcha: The lovings. wtfffff formosaplum August 5 2009, 03:38:49 UTC
I don't have my tiger attack unless it's for a VERY good reason and everyone knows it!

[Tiger growls menacingly, like saying 'shut up bitch, it's for the best']


Re: recaptcha: The lovings. wtfffff fragrant_harbor August 5 2009, 03:43:49 UTC

I should have never gotten involved.......


Re: recaptcha: The lovings. wtfffff anonymous August 5 2009, 03:53:58 UTC
[throws self at your feet]
Please help me, she's crazy, she's trying to kill me! I'll do whatever you like, just get her to leave me alone![looks up at you with huge, tearfilled eyes]


oriental_paris August 5 2009, 02:22:56 UTC
Don't you have housework to do? China keeps all of us busy enough as it is, you don't have time to needlessly harass me.

It is none of your business, con khốn nạn. But if you muuuust know, I am running an errand.


anonymous August 5 2009, 02:30:33 UTC
Mmm, an errand eh? What's in the box?

[pulls out a breadknife. Not as impressive as a machine gun maybe, but still sharp.]It's called initiative. I'm sure Mr.China will approve. And if he doesn't, I'll blame one of the other concubines. It's not like he can tell us apart anyway. [trys not to cry]


oriental_paris August 5 2009, 02:46:50 UTC
That is none of your concern. This is not your gift to open.

[holds the present in a manner that allows her to wield her paddle with both hands.] Now miss. If you do not cease and desist, I will have to discipline you. It must hurt to be treated so insignificantly, doesn't it?


anonymous August 5 2009, 02:51:55 UTC
[laughs]Is that a threat or an incentive?
made you look
[feints an attack to the right with the knife and then trys to hit you with a left hook, aiming to knock the box out of your hands]


oriental_paris August 5 2009, 03:12:20 UTC
[takes a step back and stumbles a little, but manages to swing her paddle at your legs to knock you off balance, then approaches you and keeps you down, the bigger end of her paddle digging into your shoulder.]

Now, now. You will have to do better than that.


anonymous August 5 2009, 03:22:05 UTC
[slashes at your arms with the knife and tries to knock you sideways by kicking your legs]


oriental_paris August 5 2009, 03:37:03 UTC
[Well, that's a curious way of trying to free yourself. By keeping you down, she's standing on your arms, rendering them immobile. You're free to try, though... Oh. She hears a voice and glances up, then sees Bulgaria.]

... I will deal with you later.

[hops off your person and goes to deal with Bulgaria.]


anonymous August 5 2009, 03:56:51 UTC
[Is still armed, so tries to stab you in that back the moment such an action is possible. Kind of shaky, not used to rough treatment, so the attack is weak, but it's still a pretty sharp knife]


oriental_paris August 5 2009, 04:21:55 UTC
[hears your footsteps and turns, using her paddle to barely block, growling. That's... that's going to leave a pretty deep dent.]

You are really persistent, aren't you. [pushes her paddle forward, shoving you back onto the ground.]


anonymous August 5 2009, 04:32:54 UTC
I can hardly go home and tell Mr. China I failed to stop you, can I?
[grabs the paddle and tries to shove it back into your chest]
Besides, you said something about punishing me. Promises, promises [is leering at you now]


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