Okay! Well. The "new" code isn't perfect, but I guess we'll just have to deal. I'm trying to find other solutions, but so far nothing quite works out well enough. We'll see!
Anyway, please enjoy part 34! :)
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Where are you going, China's wife?
[Tiger growls menacingly, like saying 'shut up bitch, it's for the best']
I should have never gotten involved.......
Please help me, she's crazy, she's trying to kill me! I'll do whatever you like, just get her to leave me alone![looks up at you with huge, tearfilled eyes]
It is none of your business, con khốn nạn. But if you muuuust know, I am running an errand.
[pulls out a breadknife. Not as impressive as a machine gun maybe, but still sharp.]It's called initiative. I'm sure Mr.China will approve. And if he doesn't, I'll blame one of the other concubines. It's not like he can tell us apart anyway. [trys not to cry]
[holds the present in a manner that allows her to wield her paddle with both hands.] Now miss. If you do not cease and desist, I will have to discipline you. It must hurt to be treated so insignificantly, doesn't it?
made you look
[feints an attack to the right with the knife and then trys to hit you with a left hook, aiming to knock the box out of your hands]
Now, now. You will have to do better than that.
... I will deal with you later.
[hops off your person and goes to deal with Bulgaria.]
You are really persistent, aren't you. [pushes her paddle forward, shoving you back onto the ground.]
[grabs the paddle and tries to shove it back into your chest]
Besides, you said something about punishing me. Promises, promises [is leering at you now]
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