A week until Halloween! I'm excited - it means Halloween and/or horror movies will be on even more this coming week! For some reason they're more fun to watch when it's this time of year. Well... anyway! :D
Enjoy part 70!
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Except wursts!
I believe there might be many more important things for you to become really quick at - like running laps, getting ready to stand at attention and re-loading a gun, but why am I even trying anymore?
And I will never understand how you can be so unappreciative of good, nutritious food.
Do you have some time? I would like to have a little talk about politics with you.
You thought it was a good idea, right?
And you can start cooking while we are talking... if you can multitask at that level, that is.
Contribute what you can - like pasta and... and... ... --anyway, contribute what you can and only take what you need (I could help you with determining that)? It would safe you from catastrophes like the current financial crisis and it would also make me very, ah, very happy.
That's um..
See, Italien, I don't mean to frighten you, but the capitalist system has more that outlived it's time. The cleft between rich and poor is becoming greater and greater, investors and stock market operators are making miscalculations that can throw entire nations into bankruptcy--
Please, I just don't want to see that happen to you. Join us on the safe side of things, on the just side.
ooc: Hey dude, I am SO sorry, the internet got cut in the whole house last night. I feel awful for not being able to tell you. ;_; But we can continue if you want?
[listens attentively, having sat down in a kitchen chair by now; looking increasingly worried as Italy goes on]
Yes, I do understand. But you understand me as well, don't you? All these things you enjoy so much could suddenly be taken from you when the economy collapses again, leaving your people in poverty and fear. And I won't even get started on how the capitalist lifestyle ruins the people's health and mind..!
Italien, I don't want to scare you or put you under pressure, but please consider my offer. I would help you adapt, you wouldn't be alone. I just want you out of this poisonous system.
(I just don't want for Kanada to take you to the basement..!)
Mm...Germany, I did consider it! [starts chopping again] I said so!! Maybe I'm being a little unclear, sì? [slides some tomato bits off of the knife]
Ve...I'm just not interested, really. Not today.
Are you entirely sure? [sees the resolution on Italy's face, sighs and gets up]
Well, I can't and won't make you join us, but I have a bad feeling about this... pay especially good attention to any changes in the economy, will you? I will stop by whenever my work next allows me to.
... Take care, Italien.
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