How to fix your hair, everything that really counts~ Can you believe it's been 80 parts? And what... almost 9 months? We've been around almost long enough to have a baby. A weird, weird... weird baby.
Happy part 80! :)
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Must resist urge to hug him. He doesn't like that anymore, remember? Not married anymore. Not married. Remember it.
Like... that other Finland. He hated me. I wonder if this Finland ever hated me for anything I did? I should have apologized to him too, but that would be so embarrassing.
How are you?
Is everything fine now...? ...are you happy, Sweden?
Mmm, m'fine. Bit tired.
................why did I just say that? I wasn't going to.
I really am going crazy, aren't I? It wasn't just that one time.
His sleeping face is always so peaceful~. Just makes me want to pet his hair and poke his nose and kis--
Mmm... had a nightmare n' then--
............................................why did I say that.
.....'n then I fell'sleep here.
Because the lights were on here and there were people and if I really did go insane and started killing Finland people, then they'd stop me.
M'fine now.
No. Blood. So much blood. I remember the taste of it. Rust. Mud. Cold bodies. I killed them all. I could do it again. ........................................ So sleepy.
Nightmare? I wonder his nightmares are even about... something bad happening to Sealand?
[ Walks closer to Sweden, stroking his cheek carefully. ]
Is it because of the swine flu? I've been feeling a bit dizzy because of it from time to time now...
Don't bother Finland with things he can't control. Dreams. That's all it was. Dreams. ...................and that other Finland. But it's not going to happen with this Finland. They're different. I don't understand how, but that's how it is.
Aaaaaah. He touched me.
[ Blushes furiously now. ]
M'be it's that flu. Feels... diff'cult t'breathe som'times.
I don't feel sick right now, so this should work....
[ Slips his hand behind Sweden's head, pulling it a bit closer and getting on tiptoes so that he can press his forehead against Sweden's. ]
[ Closes his eyes, concentrating on feeling the possible warmth.]
Doesn't really feel feverish right now... ah, but his face was pretty red...
I knew you were man enough to do it, Sweden! I'm so proud of you.
Someone's watching??
/scuttles away like a crab silently
Did I just see someone over there?
No I didn't. No one saw. No one. Absolutely no one.
Oh God, I'm going to die of embarrassment if anyone saw us.
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