Just like sleeping beauty! Dundundunnnn. Good morning! Well. Morning for me! I hope your weekend went well!
Enjoy part 133! :)
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[dials, listens to the message]
Hello Österreich,
it's Deutschland. I'm calling because I would like to meet up with you, the sooner the better... there are some things we need to discuss. Please call me back.
I, I'm sorry...
[lets Austria take him back inside; sits down, head bowed in embarrassment]
So... so we were close as children, ja? [he certainly won't ask if they were in love again] Hm... was there anybody else I was friends with? Apart from you and Ungarn, I mean?
[swallows nervously, looks down at his hands again]
And, ah, one other thing - I remember from the history books that Heiliges Römisches Reich was dissolved during the Napoleonic Wars, but of course the books didn't tell me how the dissolution actually went about for me as the nation itself. What I'm trying to say is... what happened that lead to me losing all my memories? I only remember fragments of being very ill... it doesn't feel like we just signed some treaties and exchanged some positions of power. [draws a deep breath] What did Frankreich do to me, Österreich? Did he beat me that devastatingly?
[this is... an extremely sensitive question]
Not so devastatingly that you could not be... for lack of a better term -- revived. If you are able to pull memories from before the Congress of Vienna, then this is a vast development. [clears throat]
[lets the words sink in as Austria speaks on]
I only remember very little from before I came to live with my brother, but what I can recall is mostly him and you fighting... and after that, being sick a lot...
[is lost in thought for a few more seconds, then stands up abruptly]
Frankreich will probably be the best person to talk to about my dissolution and its circumstances.
[clasps one of Austria's hands and gives it a firm, brief squeeze]
Thank you for letting me come over, Österreich, speaking with you has been very helpful. Now have a good evening.
[nods politely, turns and walks out of the door, appearing much more collected than before]
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