Happy Sweet Sixteen!
Cake and ice cream for everyone! If you don't have a invitation, you like, totally can't get in to my party. And I'm having a Ferrari cake.
I wish I could think of a pun about butts. Alass, I can't think of any!
Here's to a fresh new part, guys!
The challenge results are
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-Mauritius is Seychelles' brother. They like to go fishing together.
-The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of Coral Sea Islands has a little kiddy-crush on Sealand.
-Colombia, despite centuries of drinking coffee, is still really sensitive to caffeine and sometimes it gives her mood swings.
-Liechtenstein, Monaco, and Andorra are tiny-Western-European-gal-pals and like to go on picnics.
He'd hang out with the Vatican instead, but the Vatican is kind of a buzzkill.
orz that's my dad's headcanon dont mind me orz
-Algeria is temperamental as fuck, and scarred by Francis' abuse like you wouldn't believe. She squats his house regularly though.
-Tunisia is the most zen out of the Maghreb bros/sisters. He does not like Romano very much.
-Cyprus does not get along well with his brother at all, and they fight as much as their dads fight over them. The only time they seem to settle down is when they're watching their dads fight after attempting to break up their fights...but then they fight each other again after raging at each other over cheering their respective beloved daddies on. And Cyprus looks like a little bitty Greece in a fustanella.
-Peru has daddy issues and an inferiority complex the size of Russia, but he usually hides it underneath cheerful bravado. He's kind of self-absorbed (even egotistical) and can be very possessive about what he thinks is rightfully his. He's also very nostalgic and dwells in his past a little too much.
-Peru and Chile have a long-standing rivalry that sometimes crosses into UST territory.
-Japan is very friendly with Brazil and Peru, as they have large immigrant communities.
Someone tell me if I did it wrong. Like Peruanon. ;3;
Nah, Chile/Argentina is where things are going. *hugs anyway, amused* =3
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