I. love. zombies. I may or may not be dying to see The Walking Dead when it premieres on Halloween... a zombie tv show? Who could ask for more? I mean, besides asking for Hetalia zombie fanart. That would be more.
Enjoy part 217! :)
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Y' h'v' th' s'm' b'wt'' 's th't b'rd th't w's 'lw'ys f'll'w'ng 'c'l'nd 'r''nd.
You look kind of familiar...You have the same bowtie as that bird that was always following Iceland around.
y..y'r' th' p'ff'n? Y...you're the puffin?????
...d''s 'c'l'nd kn'w? H' g't s' w'rr''d th' l'st t'm' y' w'r' m'ss'ng. C'll'ng 't 'll h''rs t' ch'ck 'f w'd s''n y'.
....does Iceland know? He got so worried the last time you were missing. Calling at all hours to check if we'd seen you.
[Iceland is a very pretentious kid. It'd be so much nicer if he'd stop trying to be all clever and skeptical because he thinks it makes him more adult-like and worldy.]
[obviously Sweden has not realized how treacherous anons and other people can be]
....h'w d'd h' r'ct? D'd h' r'lly b'l''v' y'? ...How did he react? Did he really believe you?
He was pretty shocked, but I think he's alright with it now.
H'v' y' g't 'ny pl'ns t' t'rn b'ck? D' y' 'v'n w'nt t'?
Th'gh N'rw'y sh'ld pr'b'bly b' 'nf'rm'd 'f th's.
Have you got any plans to turn back? Do you even want to? Though Norway should probably be informed of this.
....wh'r' d' y' sl''p? ' h'v' ' sp'r' b'd ' c'n s'nd, th'gh y'll h'v' t' 'ss'mbl' 't y'rs'lf.
...where do you sleep? I have a spare bed I can send, though you'll have to assemble it yourself.
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