I. love. zombies. I may or may not be dying to see The Walking Dead when it premieres on Halloween... a zombie tv show? Who could ask for more? I mean, besides asking for Hetalia zombie fanart. That would be more.
Enjoy part 217! :)
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[is free for hugs, any time]
's ' n'c' f''l'n'. It's a nice feeling.
[anon! A very nice hug]
M'f'n'. Th'gh m's'r' 'c'l'nd's n't...
I'm fine. Though I'm sure Iceland's not...
[two red spots in his cheeks]
[pats anon on the head]
H'w'r' y' d''n, y'rs'lf? How are you doing, yourself?
Not making out with anyone. And I haven't really talked to him lately.
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