One week until Halloween! If I had a bell to ring, I'd ring it. I'd hate to be a kid right now - Halloween on a Sunday? Ffffff. Lame, lame, lame.
Enjoy part 218!
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Hoop too iit, meemee.
Ii'll doo anyythiing, aanoon.
[He thought he was used to people dying, hurts. It hurts so much.]
''ll th''nk ''f y'''' ''''ch t''m'' '' ''s'' th''m.
Ii'll thiink oof yoouu eeaach tiimee Ii uusee theem.
Kiss the other Sweden.
[and proceeds to haunt you for a while]
[and haunting means whispering inappropriate suggestions in your ear that may or may not feel like they come straight from your subconscious and might compel you to act on your impulses in a way you normally wouldn't]
[kiss himself?]
[with great difficulty]
''ll d''f''n''t''lyy f''lf''ll y''''r l''st w''sh.
Ii'll deefiiniiteelyy fuulfiill yoouur laast wiish.
[Other Sweden, this Sweden has a mission and he will see it finished.]
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