Sorry it took a while for the new part guys, I started Halloween early last night, and by started Halloween early, I mean I had bought a jug of mudslide mix a while ago and wanted to finish it up! So... ow, Halloween sun, ow. Anyway
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[particularly the fact that for once he's not looking downwards at them]
'h! l'nt th'm t' 'n 'n'n. H' dr'ss'd 'p 's m' f'r H'll'w''n. Oh! Lent them to an anon. He dressed up as me for Halloween. [examines the boots again--looks like anon still left wads of tissue paper in there.]
'n'n t'ld m' th't ' sh''ld dr'ss 'p 's Sn'fk'n. H''rd l't'r th't F'n w's g'nn' b' ' M''m'n, b't ' n'v'r s'w h'm. Anon told me that I should dress up as Snufkin. Heard later that Fin was gonna be a Moomin, but I never saw him. [No matter which Sweden, they're doomed in love]
[jumps backward, a little]
H...h'll', 'th'r m'. H...hello, other me.
[ It is kind of strange looking at yourself like this... ]
[ Anyways. ]
[ Holds up a pair of boots. ]
These yers? Anon said they borrow'd 'em from "Sweden."
[it is very strange]
[particularly the fact that for once he's not looking downwards at them]
'h! l'nt th'm t' 'n 'n'n. H' dr'ss'd 'p 's m' f'r H'll'w''n.
Oh! Lent them to an anon. He dressed up as me for Halloween.
[examines the boots again--looks like anon still left wads of tissue paper in there.]
[ That's the same anon, which means it's the right Sweden. ]
Then these are yers.
[ Hands over boots. ]
[ Stares some more at "himself." ]
[this is kind of awkward]
.....' h''rd 'b''t y'r H'll'w''n c'st'm'. W'sn't b'd.
.....I heard 'bout your Halloween costume. Wasn't bad.
Want'd t'see if Finlan' lik'd me bett'r as a girl...
[ Never found Finland. Or a Halloween party to begin with. ]
'n'n t'ld m' th't ' sh''ld dr'ss 'p 's Sn'fk'n. H''rd l't'r th't F'n w's g'nn' b' ' M''m'n, b't ' n'v'r s'w h'm.
Anon told me that I should dress up as Snufkin. Heard later that Fin was gonna be a Moomin, but I never saw him.
[No matter which Sweden, they're doomed in love]
[ If their outfits weren't enough to bring any of the Finlands out... Then nothing ever will be. ]
[ Dejected sigh. ]
[ Maybe he they he should just give up? ]
Yer outfit's really cute, tho'.
Th'nks. 'n'n m'de 't f'r m'.
Thanks. Anon made it for me.
[persevere, Sweden(s)! good things come to those who wait!]
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