I was about to make the part name Halloween related when I realized: Mod. Halloween is over.
Also 222! I like saying that. Two two two. Two-two-two. Two-hundred twenty-two. Two two... two.
Enjoy part 222! :)
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[almost rang fem!France's number a dozen times over the last days... key word almost, after all what should he tell her - "I think I broke an eyes.gif spider's heart"?]
[not to mention the Halloween murders that didn't really get resolved (and likely never will)]
[or the motivations and whereabouts of the ghost who almost shot him]
[and he still didn't manage to figure out who or what the Unseeing One is]
[and his assistant is deeeaaad]
[yeah, he's getting smashed]
Like I said it was no problem. I'll start checking back on you at the end of the week if that is alright with you.
[faintly notes that some company doesn't actually feel so bad]
[ offers him another small smile before noticing the two empty bottles on his other side ]
Uhm, are you sure you're alright?
A few things didn't go according to plan, I have to admit that this... stressed me out. But it's nothing too serious; don't worry about me.
[ the very least she can do is offer to be an ear, he's helping her with something silly after all ]
Are you sure you want to listen? You really don't have to. I doubt you would be able to help with most of the problems anyway - not to discredit your abilites, it's just that they are rather, ah, difficult situations for the most part.
But I've come to realize that sometimes all you need it a way to get it off of your chest and someone to listen.
Please don't feel obligated to make any efforts on my behalf, ja?
[takes one more sip before starting on his long list of worries]
For one I had an... appointment for dinner with the eyes.gif who was in the Halloween Security Team two days ago. Due to a misunderstanding about the nature of the date it took a bad turn and I think I upset her very much.
[this sounds kind of bizarre even to him but, well, it's what happened]
Eyes.gif? I guess she thought it was a romantic date then?
And I think she was really hurt. I should just have realized that beforehand and cleared matteres up, but I didn't.
[and yet]
I'm definitely going to talk to her, yes. Say - is there any surefire way to go about this without upsetting her yet again? I didn't intend to hurt her in the first place, but at this point I just want to avoid making it worse.
[ thinks hard about this one ] Well, if it were me... I would probably need something to let me know you were being genuine. Maybe a flower or something for sincerity? Then apologize, make it known that it was YOUR mistake and explain yourself clearly.
I'll think about an adequate symbolic present. I mean-- it was my fault. I'll make sure that she understands that I share this view.
Thank you, Belgien. This is helpful.
[decides against burdening her with his pile of unrelated woes]
[opts for taking another sip of beer instead]
Is there anything else you need help with? Because if not I think I'm gonna head out. I've got quite a workout ahead of me tomorrow.
[ smiles a little, hoping it'll make him feel a little better ]
No, I'm good; I think I'll get a grip on the rest myself. Again, thank you!
[will also leave after his last 3/4 beer, no longer feeling the need to get all-out drunk]
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