I was about to make the part name Halloween related when I realized: Mod. Halloween is over.
Also 222! I like saying that. Two two two. Two-two-two. Two-hundred twenty-two. Two two... two.
Enjoy part 222! :)
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[almost rang fem!France's number a dozen times over the last days... key word almost, after all what should he tell her - "I think I broke an eyes.gif spider's heart"?]
[not to mention the Halloween murders that didn't really get resolved (and likely never will)]
[or the motivations and whereabouts of the ghost who almost shot him]
[and he still didn't manage to figure out who or what the Unseeing One is]
[and his assistant is deeeaaad]
[yeah, he's getting smashed]
I didn't willingly--
[watches you bounce off]
Well. That was weird.
...well, someone looks down.
And what brings you here, Tschechien?
It's a bar. There's a bar, I appear. That good enough for you? [ plops herself down on a stool next to you ]
So, what's the matter?
Nothing much, really.
[drinks some more]
It has just been a... stressful week. I never like the time around Halloween.
It'll be okay in the end, right?
[ certainly hopes not, it makes messing with you much simpler ]
Of course it will be, I'll see to that. But you know how sometimes it just...
[sighs and briefly massaged the bridge of his nose]
Well. You know the meme.
[ remember that comment you made about her fitting in here? yeah, that still applies ]
At least nobody from out team got killed, so I guess that's something. Time to look on the bright side. Also it's over for this year, another positive point.
[takes another swig]
Somehow, you're optimistic. It's interesting.
We don't have to be. We choose to be; because if we aren't, then everything falls apart.
Well, let me rephrase it then: we have to be if we want progress. And let me tell you, I do want progress.
[takes a long swig as if for emphasis]
Oh, yeah, I'm sure you do....
[ thoughts... trailing... off.... ]
[ gets a beer ]
[if she's going to give him a funny look for that he'll ignore it]
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