I was about to make the part name Halloween related when I realized: Mod. Halloween is over.
Also 222! I like saying that. Two two two. Two-two-two. Two-hundred twenty-two. Two two... two.
Enjoy part 222! :)
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[almost rang fem!France's number a dozen times over the last days... key word almost, after all what should he tell her - "I think I broke an eyes.gif spider's heart"?]
[not to mention the Halloween murders that didn't really get resolved (and likely never will)]
[or the motivations and whereabouts of the ghost who almost shot him]
[and he still didn't manage to figure out who or what the Unseeing One is]
[and his assistant is deeeaaad]
[yeah, he's getting smashed]
But I cannot provide love for them; they must understand that. Sugar, on the other hand... hm. I'll keep it in mind.
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