... a new episode of The Walking Dead is on. It looks like a good'un. Also, since it's after Thanksgiving... IT'S OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS SEASON. Oh yeah. I'm excited.
There is a meme holiday gift exchange here. Enjoy part 228!
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[stands on tiptoes to peck his jaw]
[holds you to him carefully]
[it's okay, he smells very strongly of mint, and the hole in his chest has been filled with tissue paper]
[looks down at the paper]
... Huh?
[unless he covered the paper earlier and I missed that]
[shoot, a bit of paper must have been sticking out]
S...s'pr's'n' f'r F'nl'nd! D'n' t'll h'm th't.
S...S'presen' for Finlan'! Don' tell'im that.
[hopes you fall for it]
... I didn't understand a single word of that.
[wiggles out of arms]
[but is preoccupied stuffing tissue paper back into his coat]
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Y'want t'try?
G' 'h''d? B't n't g'nn' cry.
Go ahead? But not gonna cry.
[readies a GYNSAMM meat slicer]
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[but not too warily, as long as you don't get him in the head]
[readies a fillet knife in his other hand]
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[lets you run him through the stomach
except ooh he'll have to get another coat]
[grabs you and twists the hunting knife out of your hand]
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[...but it's just a punch. does that count as blunt trauma to the head?]
[bends down again and begins gnawing on your neck]
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