Tangled was so amazing and made me feel so much better than I have been and I've seen it twice and need to see it at least once more in theaters because... awesome.
Also - HAPPY DECEMBER! It's cold as a witch's patootie but at least it's pretty outside. How is your December going... with it's... 2-3 days so far? Uh.
Enjoy part 229!
There is a
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Give this anon a lesson on proper summoning, please.
[slides a (normally 3.99 USD!) meatball plate at you]
'nyth'n' 'ls'? Anything else?
Hey, um - if they don't want it do you think I could have it?
[nervously holding a bundle]
[he's all incognito]
Y'c'n h'v' 't. S'g''d t'h'v' s'm'n' t'k' 't b'f'r' 't g'ts c'ld.
Y'can have it. S'good t'have someone take it b'fore it gets cold.
[hands it to you]
[with a SMILE]
[also you sound familiar, or at least as familiar as an anon can be]
Thanks a lot!
Ah, by the way--
[how to go about this]
Would this, um, this heart happen to be yours? I... came across it. By chance. Don't worry, it's still in a fairly alright condition; I kept it in the fridge!
[hands over the bundle of handtowels, ice packs and a plastic-bagged heart]
S' th't's wh'r' 't w'nt.
So that's where it went.
[the heart he's growing back right now isn't quite as comfortable]
[takes out heart--so lucky he has gloves]
F''ls m'ch b'tt'r. Th'nks, 'n'n. Feels much better. Thanks, anon.
[shifts his weight, holding on to the meatball-laden plate and simultaneously trying to hide his empty right sleeve]
Say, do you, ah... need the spare one any longer now?
[totally losing his cover, but damn, it's a chance of getting a heart]
[is holding out a not-quite-completely-formed heart]
[a bit on the smallish side]
N't r''lly. Y'w'nt 't f'r s'm'th'ng?
Not really. Y'want it for something?
[oh, by the way. he has a pretty good idea who you are]
[smiles broadly]
Yes! I'm a-- doctor!
I'm, uh, conducting research on the differences between humans' and nations' hearts!
[grabby hands... oh wait]
[puts the plate on a nearby table, now let's try this again]
D'ct'r? S' th't's h'w y'kn'w h'w t't'k' c'r' 'f m'h''rt.
Doctor? So that's how y'knew how t'take care of m'heart
[watches you to see if it's some strange medical procedure that could be useful]
Exactly! I mean, my method of conserving it was a bit, um, unconventional this time, but hey, there was a zombie outbreak going on. Desperate times, desperate measures, right? Ahaha!
[carfully takes the heart - it's small, but maybe at least it won't disappear like France!anon's (heaven knows what happened to that one)]
It's wonderful. I'll bring it to the laboratory at once!
Y'saved m'heart, so that's good.
[watches, amused, as you attempt to leave
...while carrying a bundle of icepacks, towels, a heart and a plate of meatballs]
[besides he's dealt with worse (like #72)]
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