You know you're feeling loopy when you go to the last page of the last part, refresh, do something else, refresh, do something else, refresh, then realize the reason there's no new comments is that it maxed some time ago.
Enjoy part 231, loopy or not! :)
There is a meme holiday gift exchange here. There is a meme Christmas gift event here.*
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[ He'd deny he needs therapy ]
[ Same for England ]
[ I'm Russia's therapist ]
What techniques are you using on Russia?
[yes I can read minds, don't question it]
Japan has deep difficulties in admitting his faults.
[ And not just the ones related to The War ]
He believes his family is Japan, female Japan, his prefectures, and Taiwan.
In any case I'd be the mom figure, but like with all moms, he doesn't listen when I nag :(
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