Only four more sleeps 'till Christmas! And only... more sleeps than that until the new year. 2011 is going to be strange, I can tell.
Enjoy part 234! :)
There is a meme holiday gift exchange here. There is a meme Christmas gift event here. --
*There is a rules page
here. Please read it before reading and posting
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[pets silky hair and curl in comfort]
[has been cooking and baking up a storm]
[asks him what he would like for Christmas]
[it's like having a warm enormous pillow to snuggle up on]
[sucks thumb absently]
[mutters something about vile capitalist indulgences and pagan holidays around his thumb]
[snuggles in closer; hair petting is nice]
[murmurs words of family, comfort, and joy]
[he deserves happiness behaving so well]
[alternates between pets and twirls]
[makes a wish]
[for daughter to be BORN already so he can get back to boning discipline!anon properly without supportive pillows and ergonomic doohickeys]
[sucks noisily on thumb]
[tilts his chin up]
[tsk tsk]
[offers...alternative for thumb]
[oh my]
[alternative is greatly appreciated]
[and happiness is a warm Matthew]
[and perhaps babby will be coming soon from certain behaviors...]
[~ &hearts ~]
[yes he read in a book once that this was a good way to encourage babby to come on out]
[nomnomnomnom~ &hearts]
[happy little sigh]
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