My nose, she is stuffed... and female. How's winter treating you, if you're ~lucky~ enough to be in cold weather for winter? I like the cold weather itself (ohh chills and icyness ahh I love it), I just hate colds. And coughs. And sneezes. BUT. Anywho!
Enjoy part 239! :)
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[It's nice to see him again, but Norway won't say so.]
[Not that he minds much, but it's all in one how goes about it.]
[After he regains his composure, he begins to hum the rhythm, just quietly - because waltzing is easier with something to go by, isn't it?]
[ Oh! ]
[ Relieved. Norway can't be too upset about the whole thing if he's humming. ]
[ Finally relaxes a little. ]
[ Tiny smile. ]
[ This is nice. ]
[And then he remembers--]
What I said before. About soundin' like you were suggesting something. Don't think on it. Was just... takin' a jab at ya'.
[Somehow, he can't look directly at Sweden as he says it.]
[ Accidentally steps on Norway's toes and almost comes to a standstill. ]
[ Trying not to sound too disappointed. ]
S'true, tho'. Wouldn' mind it.
[ Now watches Norway quietly. ]
[And after hearing that quiet, mumbled part, he feels the heat creeping up again]
Well. Uh.
[Clears his throat, still unable to look at him]
Wouldn't mind it either. T'be honest.
[ But it feels kind of nice. ]
[ Smiles a little. ]
[ Squeezes Norway's hand and pulls him a little closer. ]
'Kay. Good t'know.
[There are so many things he would do, or would say, but even as flustered as he is, it doesn't escape Norway that they're still in public, and anyone might be watching or listening.]
[So while he allows that gesture, he doesn't lean into him, though he might have otherwise, and doesn't say what he would have said in a different place under different circumstances]
So. ... This wasn't as bad as it might have been. Ya' only stepped on my feet once.
[ And there will be a next time for sure. ]
[ Smiles and lets go of Norway. ]
[ Small bow. ]
Thanks fer th'dance.
... And I look forward to the next time.
[As they part, Norway decides: It was completely worth the crunched feet.]
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