Hey meme! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty same-old-same-old... well, it's now warm/hot and I'm wishing for cool weather. Or at least for a breeze to come my way! Thankfully we are stocked up on those awesome liquid popsicles you put into the freezer. And Superman ice cream, which you know is America's favorite, especially from an ice cream
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[Either it's fabricated or he and Finland were very, very drunk at the time.]
[He isn't sure which one is more likely.]
Anon. Shouldn't go postin' these things.
Just sayin' y'shouldn't.
[He vaguely remembers that one. Or at least, someone might've gotten a similar photo last New Year's. Or maybe it was a different time. He was too sloshed to remember, really.]
[...He finds it unnerving that Anonymous is able to get their hands on these things.]
But the this pic and the other one are ho
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