Guys, I'm so bad at titles.
So... I have no idea when the meme maxed as I wasn't here for it this time, but I hope it was cool! You guys seem to rock it each time.
Have fun on part 24~
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-England's spells always fail and do something different than what he intended for them to do.
-Also, England doesn't like child nations as much anymore because he feels like he's 'lost his touch' with parenting.
-Spain, when he fucks, is sensual and likes to take things slow - to the point it's excruciating.
-Unlike England, Spain still enjoys parenting and babies Romano... even at world meetings and in front of the Mafia.
-On one hand, Belgium is extremely competitive with chocolate and beer.
-On the other hand, German and Danish beer isn't so bad once you force it down the first few tries, and Swiss and French chocolate's not that bad either, and Italian's pretty damn good, too.
-She refuses to admit to either things, even if she admits them when she's drunk.
-Switzerland doesn't want to remember his old times with Austria because that's when he had feelings. /smacked
- All 50 states have blue eyes, even the ones who are black or Hispanic (e.g. Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida).
- The Midwestern states love America the most and call him daddy. This freaks him out, a lot.
- Oklahoma is super-pissy and hates everyone.
- Washington D.C. thinks that he and Sealand are bros, but Sealand runs away from him every time he tries to get close. (This is because D.C. carries a 9mm.)
- Alaska, thanks to his Russian heritage and his isolation, is more than a little nuts, a la Belarus. And he lieks Canada.
- New York and Ontario are getting it on.
- Kansas is tsundere for Missouri. She can't get over the fact that he has a Kansas City within his borders and hits him a lot.
-When Germany gets too drunk, he speaks in Bavarian German.
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