I don't like it when I miss maxings, somehow reading them over isn't quite the same as being there... oh well, can't be helped!
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-All the problems any of the Germanic nations have can be traced back to Germania.
-Germania can't handle commitment to people, even to those he likes.
-He also can't express his feelings very well.
-He likes getting free stuff (IE, pillaging villages and stealing Roman weaponary).
-He has a rather bad temper.
-Due to his upbringing of being around Prussia, Germany tries to distant himself away from his brother as much as possible.
-Vice versa with Prussia.
-Austria loves his piano more than anyone.
-America doesn't read the air because he doesn't want to get close to anyone. This is a result of trust issues.
-HRE is a completely different person than Germany, and is currently located somewhere in Lichenstein. She's hiding him so his enemies don't come to finish him off. Switzerland doesn't know.
-Belgium is more of a tomboy than a lady, despite how she looks.
-Rome can't hold down commitment either.
Though I do see him as having at least had a little bit of chub on him around WWI or so, then he just slimmed down some more ('twas mostly leftover kiddie pudge). The training, and the later stresses of the war pretty much left him quite skinny for a while afterwards and eating was even more of a necessity.-Romano meanwhile, is more sedentary and has slower metabolism than his brother (probably one of the effects of being less "developed"), so it's easier for him to put on weight. But it's also hard for him to eat sometimes as well, since he's not as well-off as his brother. So he'll wind up binging sometimes if he can get a good amount to eat, coupled with his own issues ( ... )
- Canada is a shy, pathetic loser inside and outside, but has a personality disorder shift to a snarky bastard when America is in close proximity
- Rome did it with everything and every one, even the Greek gods when he was dating Greece's mum
- Every country wears boxers of their flag, and Hungary has one fiiiiine bikini
- Iceland secretly uses his puffin as a hat because he wishes he had one like the rest of the Nordics
Hast thou been looking at this adorable comic:
Puffin hat has been in my head ever since the group shot against the wall came out though.
Also, Iceland has some insecurity issues about being short, so he's got thick soled boots, a hat would help immensely as well.
This is the cutest headcanon ever and I am now fixin' it into mine.
Haha, but puffin hat sounds so cute. I kinda want to see this, now.
It'd be paired by this corollary that America (who does remember 1812), since he only knows Canada's snarky bastard side, has a much higher opinion of him than other countries do.
When they were younger, Switzerland was helpless when his little sis was taken away from him. (And in the course of learning how to use a gun properly, he totally accidentally shot either himself or a friend)
England and China are secret drinking pals. (They have a similar history of losing family that was never really theirs to keep).
When they were younger, Switzerland was helpless when his little sis was taken away from him. (And in the course of learning how to use a gun properly, he totally accidentally shot either himself or a friend)
- the America WE know was actually the Confederation from the Civil War, whose ideals were arguably closer to the Founding Fathers
- the Union pulls the strings from the shadows. He lives in DC and is never seen by any other Nation.
- Canada kind of hates France now, after being given up to England in favor of the Sugar islands, and the whole de Gaulle thing with Quebec, but he never says anything about it
I wish more people would mention it, instead of it being only all ~FRANCE IS CANADA'S FAVOURITE DADDY~
Although it would explain America's affinity for fried/fatty foods.
Union America in this theory is a ruthless son of a bitch. He's the narrow-eyed dangerous looking guy you sometimes see in fanart, always smirking. He never grins, never eats burgers (subsists solely on power and alcohol). He's the one who plays chess with Russia by telling Alfred - Southern US - the moves; he's industrialization, corporations, capitalist kings.
...I know that sounds a bit shallow, but jesus christ.
That. is. hot.
you're making me want to fic this
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