If you were to step into HQ, you would notice that the halls have been dramatically redecorated.
Colorful posters cover the walls, shouting out inspirational slogans to the common worker. They lead to a large meeting room, where a statue of Vladimir Lenin (curiously draped with the Vietnamese flag) smiles benevolently at you as you enter.
Inside, mountains of copies of Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesto, and Quotations from Mao Zedong spill out from bookshelves and onto tables and floors. Loudspeakers belt out the lilting notes of
L'Internationale, the communist anthem. Thirsty or hungry? Fear not, the state will provide. A ration card is provided to each person who attends, along with a brochure entitled Communism is Rolling, the Others are Stoned: Why Every Worker Should Join the Workers' Party. Please note that there is no food or drink in sight, however.
So have a seat. Take a ration card. Read a pamphlet. You have nothing to lose but your chains.
[OOC: COMMUNIST CLUB RECRUITMENT POST. Comrades, meet your leftist brethren. Everyone else, please feel free to join!]