Oh dear, I think I might eventually have to have kids after all, just so I can read them nursery rhymes.
Little Robin red breast,
Sitting on a pole,
Niddle Noddle,
Went his head,
And Poop went his Hole.
Robin and Richard
Were two pretty Men
They lay in Bed
'Till the Clock struck Ten
Piss a Bed,
Piss a Bed,
Barley Butt,
Your Bum is so heavy
You can't get up.
The last is my favourite. 'Oi, you - ya barley butt!' *giggles like a demented six year old* My kids, if I have any, will be sooo screwed up. (Larkin: "They fuck you up, your Mum and Dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They give you all the faults they had. And add some others just for you.") Right, that's enough swearing for one day. Fu He Crikey yes.
By the way, anyone who's good at icons like to suggest some text for this Sheppard and McKay one? I feel it needs something, but I can't think of anything. I figured it was about time I had an icon of them since I'm currently SGA obsessed. I have no idea why I am though - it's fun, but nothing like brilliant, and I've worked out why I like Harry Potter/SGA crossovers so much - because the only way the science makes sense is if it's magic...