pointless crap

Nov 23, 2010 15:14


Firstly, hi, everyone from the GX friending meme! ♥ I'm Qu and I have no taste. Also, I'm the laziest person you will ever meet. And I never finish anything.

Next, we have two dreams from the other night and from last night! How exciting!

The older dream that I still remember clearly involved me walking into a pawn shop in the middle of... some city, because I remember there was a bar and a laundromat nearby somehow. I go inside and there is GX STUFF EVERYWHERE, oh my lord. Not just the DVD boxes, but some really weird stuff too, like... an oil painting of Juudai and Yubel. o_O It is very pricey, a couple hundred dollars, but I decide for some odd reason, "I have enough money for this, so I am going to buy it!" And in the dream, I think I actually did have the money for it, but when I went up to the guy at the counter and told him what I wanted (he seemed very friendly, though), he looks at me and goes "do you have the money to pay for it?" So I tell him I do, and am about to pull out the money when he it starts to get fucking weird.

"Tell you what, I'll let you have it if you do me a favor. :D"

...What favor, you ask?

Why, the classic "let's fuck" favor. :|

And you know what the best part is?

I remember very clearly that the guy resembled an old teacher of mine who used to pick on me in class. And I mean really pick on me, despite whether he meant to be a douche about it or not. This is the one I told at one point after class was over point-blank to cut it the fuck out, and he didn't, so when I snapped and the other teachers found out, he got a stern talking-to by the principal.

So there was lots of very reluctant sex involved. Urgh.

And then my other dream started out with me playing this Pokemon Pinball-like thing with some little girl, which involved connecting the DS to the machine via wireless and depositing the Pokemon you win into the game. But the problem was, it had to identify you via your accounts on the internet. o_O So somehow this little girl had a FFnet account (OH GOD), so I helped her win a Venusaur with a random hacked moveset and put it in my DS because she didn't have one. The fact that I could not, for some reason, reach the buttons made it difficult. And then she got taken away by her parents or something... I think. At one point, I messed up and the machine wanted to verify that she was the one playing and not me, so they asked for her footprint to be scanned (why not fingerprint, I have no idea).

Then the next part I remember involved me trying to play video games (my N64?), and I couldn't get them to show up on the TV for some reason. One of those old-fashioned TVs with the dial, because it was like the TV that used to be in the den, which is where I used to have my video games set up. But then again, this took place in said den, so I guess that makes sense, kind of.

So I am trying to play, and I can't get the controller to work for some reason. The light was low, and this frustrated me! But I remember I was trying to do something or other, and I just couldn't, no matter what buttons I pressed. It wouldn't respond to me. Near the end of the dream, I was starting to get somewhere, and I think I was hacking some files or something, I can't recall what about. But they were all ~*~top secret~*~ so it was getting good before I woke up. :<

And then I think I cut the power at some point in this dream trying to turn on the light switch for better lighting. Why there was a power breaker near the light switch, I also have no idea.

Finally, fanfic ideas, two of which are prominent in my head at the moment:

- The YGO AU crossover idea I had that I am reluctant to write because I can't write DM characters worth shit. All the characters are attending middle school, high school, or college, and there is nothing wrong with this! Until they start regaining memories of their former lives. Also because I want to see what happens in 5D's with Aporia and Paradox and Z-ONE before I fill in the gaps with my own theories that turn out to be way off the mark.
- The GX AU in which that one kid that looks like Johan doesn't get killed by Zure, survives S3 somehow, and turns out to be his tsundere twin. Cue S4 antics. And I totally did not steal this idea partially from Cyn, what makes you think that. :|

All my others, I have no idea what I'm doing with them. So yeah.

...I am never hungry when I first wake up anymore for some reason. It's just impossible for me to eat breakfast (or lunch in my case, hurr) anymore. But I'm hungry now, so off I go, I guess. D:

fanfiction, dream log, what

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