Sep 12, 2004 18:44
Paul Murray wrote this in his Saturdays newspaper column about the Federal Elections (which are coming up in Australia for those not in the know) and the budget.
"Is it ethical to hold back resources in order to save up enough for the euchre game once every three years?"
I *liked* that, so true!
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Comments 34
I just liked the quote, it rang so true.
There is a way actually to do it. Line them all up against the wall ...
and wouldnt it be worse if like past labor governments they spent spent spent spent and then elections come along and they still need to spend and so get into debt debt debt? ;)
in 1981 under fraser ( liberal govt ), the interest rates in australia were at 19% rates in the USA were at 20%, the world economy was totaly fucked.
fastforward to hawke keating era, interest rates were on a downward slide, the aussie dollar was floated in the markets, this was the start of the long journey to get the australian economy where it is today.
john howards rein of terror will end in this election, he is making the same mistakes richard court made here , he constantly kept on about WA Inc , howard is still staying negative and soley focusing on economics while the rest of society in australia is in decay.
oh... and neither liberal or labor support gay marriage, and that just sucks in my teenager-terms-opinion!
There's more to the economy than interest rates though. And they go in cycles anyway - low rates are followed by high rates, which are followed by low rates, and so on. Political parties like to pretend that the lows are the result of their hard work, and the highs are the Opposition's fault, but the reality is that they're mostly controlled by the Reserve Bank anyway. I'd never vote based on interest rates.
I also read an interesting article about Peter Costello, saying he's less likely to pork barrell, which is what John Howard seems to be doing a lot of (ie, baby bribes)
Interest rates are a huge factor to me, lol
There's no way I'd ever vote Liberal: their social policies are from 1950, and I can't in good conscience vote for a party that thinks seeking asylum is a crime and women should stay at home to make babies instead of having jobs. But I reckon I'd be less irritated by the political news every day if Costello was heading them up. Heaps of people in the party reckon Howard is running his own policies instead of Liberal ones.
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