What a weekend!

May 16, 2010 16:35

I've been having some major allergy issues lately, and I don't understand why. I am pretty sure 99.5% is actually food allergies, but the rest?? So I moved my bed away from the windows, in hoping the dust doesn't actually bother me much anymore. I had my bed right under the windows, and well it was always covered in dirt, because during the day I ( Read more... )

allergies, wow, real life

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Comments 10

trystan830 May 17 2010, 00:12:08 UTC
hopefully your allergies will behave!!

and yaaay for Jensen & Danneel! so pretty!


aphrodite33 May 17 2010, 06:03:51 UTC
Took a Benadryl and it's helping so much, no more runny nose lol

Anyhow, yes they are so pretty... Loves them together....


trystan830 May 17 2010, 13:08:28 UTC

and yes, they are. =)


jainadurron May 17 2010, 05:54:35 UTC
On one hand, I is sad about Jensen and Danneel. On the other . . . *makes grabby hands* Gimme?

Hey, I thought you were gonna call me sometime, missy! Is your number still the same? Maybe I'll call you.


aphrodite33 May 17 2010, 06:00:30 UTC
I totally got busy with mom and helping around the house and forgot. :( Sorry! Yes, number is still the same... My bad!


Go to that link and download the winzip to the wedding pictures. LOL


jainadurron May 17 2010, 06:10:26 UTC
*sigh* At least he looks happy, right? Ah, well.


aphrodite33 May 17 2010, 17:18:27 UTC

jeymien May 17 2010, 14:52:47 UTC
Gosh, I'm happy you're so happy! And I'm glad you got in with a raid guild. My plans totally fell apart with Dinim and my husband decided to run off and be hordies with other friends and make a raid guild there.. I kinda followed them with one of my characters cause hey, it's my husband.. and then I was embarrassed to even say anything.. and I felt bad that I'd gotten you to Garrosh. So I'm sorry that MY plans didn't work out and I didn't tell you about them. but I'm also very happy for you that things are working out for you on Garrosh!

And yes, Festergut is one big mean mf. He's the reason I had a moonkin nervous breakdown.

Congrats on your stuffage!


aphrodite33 May 17 2010, 17:08:59 UTC
Hey, no worries, all is good... You gotta do what you gotta do, and of course playing with your hubby is really important.

I felt bad for leaving the alt guild, cause no one was on for me to tell. It happened late Saturday night when I got the other guild invite. The guild is All Together Now, they are an awesome guild, filled with great people.

We one shot our way up to festergut, then wiped 6 times on the bastard before calling it a night. LOL I think we finally have a strategy on him that works.



pinkphoenix1985 May 20 2010, 17:49:27 UTC
I hope that you're feeling better!


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