There's a 'student' excuse for getting out of it. I got a summons too, but it was for the week AFTER I came back to Fullerton. So I was kind of disappointed. XD;
especially if you have a driver's license, or are registered to vote (unless you meant coming back a week after going back to fullerton). sorry this reply is several months out of date.
sorry this reply is several months out of date.altgraveSeptember 8 2006, 21:06:18 UTC
i've always wondered if just saying you hate (insert a list of racial/ethnic/cultural epithets, here), casually, and with a straight face, would "excuse" one from jury duty. i just throw away my summons... es (actually, i shred or burn them. yes, seriously.). i've yet to get in trouble. i believe, "legally insane", would probably get me out of the annoyance, if i bothered to write back or show up, anyway. my-ex-who-lives-with-me (it really should be one word; often, i just call 'er, "the other") got a jury summons, the other day, and was actually excited to go! she wanted to see the court system at work, which, as a display of intellectual curiosity, is INSANELY ODD, for her. sadly (perhaps they noted her insanity, though she lacks my papers), she wasn't picked - i'd hoped she'd be sequestered, for months, in a murder trial. i've considered going just so that i'm fulfilling an actual, "duty" - that of keeping juries full of people too retarded to get out of jury duty. alas, my sense of duty is extremely easy to ignore. much more info
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